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MS WordM2.2.1_Splatche ver 2.0 release
MS PowerPointWP2 Presentation at the Kick-off meeting
Presented by Bill Kunin
MS PowerPointSCALES Standalone Presentation 2011-03-23
Status of the Standalone Presentation after the Sofia meeting
PDFWP 4.3 Portuguese ecological fiscal transfers
MS WordWP4_Innovative Instruments: Activities and Timetable (Task 3)
PDFScales publication in Science
Settele and Kühn: Insect Conservation
MS WordM3.4.1_Literature for review of statistical methods
Literature for review of statistical methods
MS WordWP1 updated timetable Nov2011
PDFM1.1.2_Analysis of N2k pressures database
Analysis of N2k pressures database
MS WordUpdate timetable WP 2.4 October 2011
MS Wordupdated timetable Wp 2.4 - October 2011
MS PowerPointWP2_Breakout intro talk
MS PowerPointWP2_Summary Barcelona
MS PowerPointWP2_Talk for Barcelona plenary session
MS WordM2.3.1_Compilation of spatial change data
Compilation of spatial change data and development of individually-based spatial population model for modelling multi-scale density dependence effects
MS ExcelAnimal trait database (mass, migration distance) from Hein et al. (2011) Ecol Lett
MS ExcelAnimal trait database (e.g. mass, length, dispersal) from Prugh et al. (2008) PNAS
PDFD5.3.1 Assessment of most appropriate methods, policy instruments, and approaches to promote connectivity and mitigate fragmentation
MS WordWP2_Breakout notes Scales (latest)

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