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MS PowerPointEU expectation
Presentation of Astrid Kaemena on EU Biodiversity Research Policy and SCALES
MS PowerPointScales introduction
Introduction by Klaus Henle to the project and the Kick-off meeting
MS PowerPointWP6 Intro
Presented by Klaus Henle & Vesna Grobelnik
Introduction to WP6 (SCALETOOL)
ZIPNatura 2000 Database
zipped file; unzipped about 110MB;
only for internal use of SCALES-partners
MS PowerPointSCALES Standalone Presentation 2011-03-23
Status of the Standalone Presentation after the Sofia meeting
ZIPAmphibians & reptiles of Europe
distribution data (shape files) of European amphibians and reptiles
MS PowerPointPOLICYMIX Introduction
by David Barton
ZIPProgramme Element 1
Direct actions for planning, selecting, establishing, strengthening and managing protected areas systems and sites
ZIPProgramme Element 2
Governance, participation, equity and benefit sharing
ZIPProgramme Element 4
Standards, assessment and monitoring
PDFWP 2 Introduction & report
WP2 plenary presentation with introduction of the Work Package and short report above the activities in the time since the last meeting
PDFSCALES overall introduction & report
Plenary presentation with introduction to scales and short report above the activities in the time since the last meeting
PDFD1.1.1_Impact of policy and socioeconomic drivers
Impact of policy and socioeconomic drivers on anthropogenic processes and pressures to biodiversity. This report identifies a coherent set of drivers of change that affect biodiversity conservation taking into consideration the scale issues and non-linearities.
PDFD3.3.1_Downscaling climate data and forecasts across European landscapes
Plants and animals have the greatest chances of survival at environmental temperatures to which they are adapted. Both air and ground temperatures can vary widely between nearby points in a landscape because of effects of altitude, vegetation cover and varying exposure to the Sun’s rays. Ground temperature in particular may vary widely among microsites, and is particularly important for ecosystem functions because of its effect on plant roots and soil-dwelling animals. This variation will alter the survival of organisms and the distribution of suitable habitat at fine spatial scales. Existing global weather models can predict average air temperatures at coarse resolutions (e.g. 0.25-degree cells or coarser) but topographic data are available for the entire Earth’s land surface at very fine resolutions, suggesting a way to down-scale model predictions insofar as they depend on topography. This report describes a method to do this.
PDFStatement from William Magnuson
Statement from William E. Magnusson (INPA): Standardized Biodiversity Monitoring to Support Decision-Making
PDF02 WP1 update - Plenary
The presentation gives an overview about the tasks, achieved results and next in Work Package 1
PDF09 WP7 update - Plenary
The presentation gives an overview about the tasks, achieved results and next steps in Work Package 7
PDF07 SCALES Taiwan - Plenary
The presentation gives an overview about the tasks, achieved results and next steps in SCALES Taiwan
PDF2 SCALES WP1 Nicosia meeting closing remarks
SCALES WP2 Nicosia meeting conclusions and closing remarks
PDFSCALES Taiwan Nicosia meeting closing remarks
SCALES Taiwan Nicosia meeting conclusions and closing remarks
These are the guidelines for authors for the SCALES book.
PDFD2.5.2_Assessing ecosystem services in conservation area networks.20121213
Ecosystem services, such as pollination and biocontrol, are free services provided by conservation areas to human mankind. It is however little known, how ecosystem services are affected by habitat fragmentation and land use intensification. As ecosystem services are often positively affected by an increased biodiversity we conducted a high number of diverse field studies to find more general conclusions for the effects of conservation areas on species spillover and ecosystem services. Our results show that biodiversity spillover to agriculturally used fields plays an important role for the provision of ecosystem services in agroecosystem. The impact of habitat management and the surrounding landscape play a modifying role in pollination and biocontrol services. Intrinsic species specific factors further modify effects of habitat fragmentation and land-use intensity.
MS PowerPointSCALES Introduction to DG Env
Short introduction of the SCALES project to DG Environment at 2012-09-25 in Brussels
UnknownD3.1.2_ZONATION Software program
Windows 32 installer for ZONATION software program v. 3.1.2
MS PowerPointWP 5 Review Meeting Presentation
Presentation about WP 5 given by John Pantis

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