Place: Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research / National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, Bulgaria
A practical course on species monitoring with mark-recapture-methods will be held on 26-29 October 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Venue: IBEI - base 1, 2 Y. Gagarin Street, Sofia
The course is aimed at researchers / students / conservation managers, who are using, or planning to use, mark-recapture methods for surveying their study species. The course should provide them with practical knowledge of how to analyse the data collected with proper models, applying the freely available MARK program.
Course participation is free, but please register by sending organisers an e-mail.
The participants need to cover their travel and accommodation costs.
To register, contact organisers:
Piotr Nowicki (
Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków, Poland
Pavel Stoev (
Yurii Kornilev ( – organisational issues only
For further information please see attached file.