Biodiversity conservation depends on scale: Lessons from the science-policy dialogue
The year 2010 marked the deadline for the political targets to significantly reduce and halt biodiversity loss. The failure to achieve the 2010 goal stimulated the setting up of new targets for 2020. In addition, preventing t...
Wild pollinators support farm productivity and stabilize yield
Most people are not aware of the fact that 84% of the European crops are partially or entirely dependent on insect pollination. While managed honeybees pollinate certain crops, wild bees, flies and wasps cover a very broad sp...
Job alert: Post-Doctoral Position (INRA - Unité EPHYSE, Bourlaux, France)
Wind Damage to Forests in a Changing Climate: Impacts and MitigationThis position will be responsible for integrating a range of data (ground-based and remote sensed), computer based tools and new measurements ...
Article alert: Scale-dependent effects of habitat area on species interaction networks: invasive species alter relationships
BMC Ecology (2012) doi:10.1186/1472-6785-12-11Shinji Sugiura & Hisatomo TakiThe positive relationship between habitat area and species number is considered a fundamental rule in ecology. This relationship pre...
Job alert: Full professorship in “Theory in Biodiversity Sciences” (University of Jena, Germany)
Within German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena invites applications for a full (W3) professorship in “Theory in Biodiversity Sci...
Assessing the potential of ecosystem services with land use data
Science for Environment Policy (2012) 293A new study has developed a system to assess the potential of ecosystems to supply ecosystem services in the EU-25 plus Switzerland and Norway. It is one of the first to ...
Mixed success for European environmental policies
Science for Environment Policy (2012) 293European environmental policies have enabled some progress towards a sustainable green economy, according to a recent report from the European Environment Agency. The rep...
Article alert: Universal species-area and endemics-area relationships at continental scales
Nature (2012 Jun 24) doi: 10.1038/nature11226Storch D, Keil P, Jetz WThe larger the region, the more species live in it. This is the so called species-area relationship and it is one of the fundamental rel...
Job alert: PhD student in Ecology (Uppsala, Sweden)
Impact of global change on biotic interactions in grasslandsOne PhD-student will conduct manipulating field- and mesocosm-experiments to address how dynamics of grassland plant communities and nutrient cycling i...
Diverse ecosystems vulnerable in changing environmental conditions
Changing environmental conditions could put diverse ecosystems, such as rainforests and coral reefs, at greater risk of multiple extinctions. A new study suggests that, rather than protecting ecosystems from collapse, high le...
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New paper published: Sampling and modelling rare species: Conceptual guidelines for the neglected majority
Jeliazkov, A., Gavish, Y., Marsh, C. J., Geschke, J., Brummitt, N., Rocchini, D., Haase, P.,...
New paper published: A GIS-based policy support tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for biodiversity conservation
Lin YP, Schmeller DS, Ding TS, Wang YC, Lien WY, Henle K, Klenke RA (2020) A GIS-based polic...