09.12.2014 - 12.12.2014
British Ecological Society and French Ecological Society (BEsFE) joint 2014 annual meeting 9 – 12 December, France
The British Ecological Society and the French Ecology Society are pleased to invite you to Lille for a joint conference which will bring together for the first time ecologists of our two countries. The aim of the conference w...
12.11.2014 - 19.11.2014
IUCN World Parks Congress 2014
Held once every 10 years, the IUCN World Parks Congress provides a unique opportunity to bring about change, not only for today, or tomorrow, but for the decade ahead. It will be a gathering not just for protected area profes...
29.10.2014 - 31.10.2014
Biodiversity and Food Security – From Trade-offs to Synergies
3rd International Conference on Biodiversity and the UN Millennium Development Goals - October 29-31, 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France
This international conference is the third in a series, organized by the French CNRSInstit...
24.09.2014 - 26.9.2014
2014 GLP Asia Conference – Sustainable Land Use and Ecosystem Management
GLP invites you to submit sessions and abstracts for oral presentations and posters to the 2014 GLP Asia Conference – Sustainable Land Use and Ecosystem Management, which will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on September 24th – 26t...
21.09.2014 - 23.9.2014
XVI Annual BIOECON Conference Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability
The BIOECON Partners are pleased to announce the Sixteenth Annual International BIOECON conference on the theme of "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability". The conference will be held once again on the premises ...
08.09.2014 - 12.9.2014
GfOe Annual Meeting 2014
In 2014, the University of Hildesheim will host the 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The meeting will take place from September 8th to 12th, 2014 in Hildesheim, Germany. The g...
08.09.2014 - 12.9.2014
7th Annual ESP Conference 2014
The 7th Annual ESP Conference 2014 will tabe place between 8 - 12 Sep 2014 in Costa Rica.
The emphasis of this Seventh international ESP conference will be on the use of the ecosystem services concept at the local level, f...
20.07.2014 - 25.7.2014
Unifying Ecology Across Scales
The Unifying Ecology Across Scales Gordon Research Conference will be held in conjunction with the Unifying Ecology Across Scales Gordon Research Seminar. Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application...
17.06.2014 - 20.6.2014
International conference: SPATIAL ECOLOGY & CONSERVATION
The Spatial Ecology & Conservation conference is organised by ERT Conservation as a second one of a series of international events to discuss development in spatial ecology and conservation. The conference will take pl...
10.06.2014 - 11.6.2014
Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City and the Role of Global Earth Observation
The international Conference will explore the potential of earth observations and thrust climate information transfer from the science to the stakeholder application realm, in order to develop suitable adaptation measures at ...