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Modeling bird species distribution change in fire prone Mediterranean landscapes: incorporating species dispersal and landscape dynamics
Lluís Brotons, Miquel De Cáceres, Andrew Fall and Marie-Josée Fortin |
2012 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/ec og.2012.35.issu e-5/issuetoc |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lluís Brotons, Miquel De Cáceres, Andrew Fall and Marie-Josée Fortin
Year: 2012
Title: Modeling bird species distribution change in fire prone Mediterranean landscapes: incorporating species dispersal and landscape dynamics
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 35 (5)
Pages: 458–467
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ecog.2012.35.issue-5/issuetoc
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Lluís Brotons
Effect of habitat area and isolation on plant trait distribution in European forests and grasslands
Lindborg, R., Helm, A., Bommarco, R., Heikkinen, R.K., Kühn, I., Pykälä, J. & Pärtel, M. |
2012 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0587.2011. 07286.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lindborg, R., Helm, A., Bommarco, R., Heikkinen, R.K., Kühn, I., Pykälä, J. & Pärtel, M.
Year: 2012
Title: Effect of habitat area and isolation on plant trait distribution in European forests and grasslands
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 35(4)
Pages: 356–363
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07286.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Nature Publishing Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 28.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Conservation planning to zone protected areas under optimal landscape management for bird conservation
Lin, Y.-P., C.-W. Huang*, T.-S. Ding, Y.-C. Wang, W.-T. Hsiao, D. S., N. Crossman, S. Lengyel, D. Schmeller |
2014 |
Environmental Modelling & Software |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1364815214 001741 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lin, Y.-P., C.-W. Huang*, T.-S. Ding, Y.-C. Wang, W.-T. Hsiao, D. S., N. Crossman, S. Lengyel, D. Schmeller
Year: 2014
Title: Conservation planning to zone protected areas under optimal landscape management for bird conservation
Journal: Environmental Modelling & Software
Volume/Issue: 60
Pages: 121–133
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815214001741
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 02.10.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
An optimal spatial pre-sampling approach distribution of bird species bases on various scale data
Lin, Y-P, W.-C. Lin, T.-S. Ding, P.-F. Lee, T.-Y. Wu, R. A. Klenke, K. Henle, D. S. Schmeller |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lin, Y-P, W.-C. Lin, T.-S. Ding, P.-F. Lee, T.-Y. Wu, R. A. Klenke, K. Henle, D. S. Schmeller
Year: 2014
Title: An optimal spatial pre-sampling approach distribution of bird species bases on various scale data
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 07.10.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Grassland diversity under changing productivity and the underlying mechanisms – results of a 10-yr experiment
Liira J., Ingerpuu N., Kalamees R., Moora M., Pärtel M, Püssa K., Roosaluste E., Saar L., Tamme R., Zobel K., Zobel M. |
2012 |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1654-1103.2012. 01409.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Liira J., Ingerpuu N., Kalamees R., Moora M., Pärtel M, Püssa K., Roosaluste E., Saar L., Tamme R., Zobel K., Zobel M.
Year: 2012
Title: Grassland diversity under changing productivity and the underlying mechanisms – results of a 10-yr experiment
Journal: Journal of Vegetation Science
Volume/Issue: 23 (5)
Pages: 919–930
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01409.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: nternational Association for Vegetation Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Elevation and experimental snowmelt manipulation affect emergence phenology and abundance of soil-hibernating arthropods
Leingärtner, A., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I. |
2014 |
Ecological Entomology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/ee n.12112/abstrac t |
Yes |
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Author(s): Leingärtner, A., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I.
Year: 2014
Title: Elevation and experimental snowmelt manipulation affect emergence phenology and abundance of soil-hibernating arthropods
Journal: Ecological Entomology
Volume/Issue: 39 (4)
Pages: 412–418
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/een.12112/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: The Royal Entomological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants
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Leingärtner, A., Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I. |
2014 |
PLoS One |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0093881 |
Yes |
790.52KB |
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Author(s): Leingärtner, A., Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I.
Year: 2014
Title: Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants download
Journal: PLoS One
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: e93881
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0093881
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Species richness and trait composition of butterfly assemblages change along an altitudinal gradient
Leingärtner A, Krauss J, Steffan‑Dewenter I |
2014 |
Oecologia |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007/s004 42-014-2917-7 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Leingärtner A, Krauss J, Steffan‑Dewenter I
Year: 2014
Title: Species richness and trait composition of butterfly assemblages change along an altitudinal gradient
Journal: Oecologia
Volume/Issue: 175 (2)
Pages: 613-623
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00442-014-2917-7
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Disentangling the effects of land use change, climate and CO2 on European habitat types
Lehsten, Veiko; Sykes, Martin; Scott, Anna; Potts, Simon; Kallimanis, Athanasios; Mazaris, Antonios; Verburg, Peter; Schulp, Catharina; Tzanopoulos, Joseph; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis |
2014 |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lehsten, Veiko; Sykes, Martin; Scott, Anna; Potts, Simon; Kallimanis, Athanasios; Mazaris, Antonios; Verburg, Peter; Schulp, Catharina; Tzanopoulos, Joseph; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis
Year: 2014
Title: Disentangling the effects of land use change, climate and CO2 on European habitat types
Journal: Global Ecology and Biogeography
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley and Sons
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
More and more generalists: two decades of changes in the European avifauna
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Le Viol I. Jiguet F., Brotons L., Herrando S., Lindström A., Pearce-Higgins J, Reif J., Van Turnhout C. & Devictor V. |
2012 |
Biology Letters |
http://rsbl.roy alsocietypublis hing.org/conten t/early/2012/07 /11/rsbl.201... |
Yes |
206.7KB |
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Author(s): Le Viol I. Jiguet F., Brotons L., Herrando S., Lindström A., Pearce-Higgins J, Reif J., Van Turnhout C. & Devictor V.
Year: 2012
Title: More and more generalists: two decades of changes in the European avifauna download
Journal: Biology Letters
Volume/Issue: 8 (5)
Pages: 780-782
Web link/DOI: http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2012/07/11/rsbl.2012.0496.abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Royal Society Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Microfragmentation concept explains non-positive environmental heterogeneity–diversity relationships
Lauri Laanisto, Riin Tamme, Inga Hiiesalu, Robert Szava-Kovats, Antonio Gazol, Meelis Pärtel |
2013 |
Oecologia |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs0 0442-012-2398-5 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lauri Laanisto, Riin Tamme, Inga Hiiesalu, Robert Szava-Kovats, Antonio Gazol, Meelis Pärtel
Year: 2013
Title: Microfragmentation concept explains non-positive environmental heterogeneity–diversity relationships
Journal: Oecologia
Volume/Issue: 171(1)
Pages: 217-226
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00442-012-2398-5
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer-Verlag
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Bushes protected tortoises from lethal overheating in arid areas of Morocco
Lagarde, F., Louzizi, T., Slimani, T., El Mouden, H., Ben Kaddour, K., Moulherat, S., Bonnet, X. |
2012 |
Environmental Conservation |
http://journals .cambridge.org/ action/displayA bstract?fromPag e=online&aid... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lagarde, F., Louzizi, T., Slimani, T., El Mouden, H., Ben Kaddour, K., Moulherat, S., Bonnet, X.
Year: 2012
Title: Bushes protected tortoises from lethal overheating in arid areas of Morocco
Journal: Environmental Conservation
Volume/Issue: 39 (2)
Pages: 172-182
Web link/DOI: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8542874&fileId=S0376892911000634
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Cambridge University Press
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 07.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Decreased Functional Diversity and Biological Pest Control in Conventional Compared to Organic Crop Fields
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Krauss, J., Gallenberger, I., Steffan-Dewenter, I. |
2011 |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.001950 2 |
Yes |
327.9KB |
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Author(s): Krauss, J., Gallenberger, I., Steffan-Dewenter, I.
Year: 2011
Title: Decreased Functional Diversity and Biological Pest Control in Conventional Compared to Organic Crop Fields download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 6(5)
Pages: e19502
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0019502
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 05.08.2011
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Between the stakeholders and forest policy – negotiating for societally accepted forest conservation in Finland
Koivulehto M., Paloniemi R., Rantala M. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Koivulehto M., Paloniemi R., Rantala M.
Year: 2014
Title: Between the stakeholders and forest policy – negotiating for societally accepted forest conservation in Finland
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 12.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mittakaava ja luonnonsuojelu [Scale and nature conservation]
Koivulehto M. & Paloniemi R. |
2012 |
Terra |
Yes |
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Author(s): Koivulehto M. & Paloniemi R.
Year: 2012
Title: Mittakaava ja luonnonsuojelu [Scale and nature conservation]
Journal: Terra
Volume/Issue: 124
Pages: 17–27
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 02.11.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Scaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
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Klaus Henle, Simon Potts, William Kunin, Yiannis Matsinos, Jukka Simila, John Pantis, Vesna Grobelnik, Lyubomir Penev, Josef Settele |
2014 |
http://ab.penso ft.net/articles .php?id=1169 |
Yes |
47.45MB |
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Author(s): Klaus Henle, Simon Potts, William Kunin, Yiannis Matsinos, Jukka Simila, John Pantis, Vesna Grobelnik, Lyubomir Penev, Josef Settele
Year: 2014
Title: Scaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation download
Web link/DOI: http://ab.pensoft.net/articles.php?id=1169
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Book
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Patterns of beta diversity in Europe: the role of climate, land cover and distance across scales
Keil, P., Schweiger, O., Kühn, I., Kunin, W. E., Kuussaari, M., Settele, J., Henle, K., Brotons, L., Pe’er, G., Lengyel, S., Moustakas, A., Steinicke, H., Storch, D. |
2012 |
Journal of Biogeography |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1111/j.13 65-2699.2012.02 701.x |
Yes |
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Author(s): Keil, P., Schweiger, O., Kühn, I., Kunin, W. E., Kuussaari, M., Settele, J., Henle, K., Brotons, L., Pe’er, G., Lengyel, S., Moustakas, A., Steinicke, H., Storch, D.
Year: 2012
Title: Patterns of beta diversity in Europe: the role of climate, land cover and distance across scales
Journal: Journal of Biogeography
Volume/Issue: 39(8)
Pages: 1473–1486
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02701.x
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 04.05.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Biodiversity change is scale-dependent: an example from Dutch and UK hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
Keil, P., Biesmeijer, J.C., Barendregt, A., Reemer, M., Kunin, W. |
2011 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0587.2010. 06554.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Keil, P., Biesmeijer, J.C., Barendregt, A., Reemer, M., Kunin, W.
Year: 2011
Title: Biodiversity change is scale-dependent: an example from Dutch and UK hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 34(3)
Pages: 392–401
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2010.06554.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Efficient biodiversity monitoring: Which taxonomic level to study?
Kallimanis, A.S., Mazaris, A.D., Tsakanikas, D., Dimopoulos, P., Pantis, J.D., Sgardelis, S.P. |
2012 |
Ecological Indicators |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1470160X11 003116 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Kallimanis, A.S., Mazaris, A.D., Tsakanikas, D., Dimopoulos, P., Pantis, J.D., Sgardelis, S.P.
Year: 2012
Title: Efficient biodiversity monitoring: Which taxonomic level to study?
Journal: Ecological Indicators
Volume/Issue: 15(1)
Pages: 100-104
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X11003116
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Local populations of endangered Maculinea (Phengaris) butterflies are flood resistant
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Kajzer-Bonk J., Nowicki P., Bonk M., Skórka P., Witek M., Woyciechowski M. |
2013 |
Journal of Insect Conservation |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0841-013-9591-7 |
Yes |
311.19KB |
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Author(s): Kajzer-Bonk J., Nowicki P., Bonk M., Skórka P., Witek M., Woyciechowski M.
Year: 2013
Title: Local populations of endangered Maculinea (Phengaris) butterflies are flood resistant download
Journal: Journal of Insect Conservation
Volume/Issue: 17 (6)
Pages: 1105–1112
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10841-013-9591-7
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Netherlands
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 07.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Drivers of lichen species richness at multiple spatial scales in temperate forests
Juri Nascimbene, Lorenzo Marini & Péter Ódor |
2012 |
Plant Ecology & Diversity |
http://www.tand fonline.com/doi /abs/10.1080/17 550874.2012.735 715#.VQ02KY6... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Juri Nascimbene, Lorenzo Marini & Péter Ódor
Year: 2012
Title: Drivers of lichen species richness at multiple spatial scales in temperate forests
Journal: Plant Ecology & Diversity
Volume/Issue: 5(3)
Pages: 355-363
Web link/DOI: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17550874.2012.735715#.VQ02KY6Ufmc
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Taylor & Francis group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Governance factors in the identification of global conservation priorities for mammals
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Johanna Eklund, Anni Arponen, Piero Visconti, Mar Cabeza |
2011 |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences |
http://rstb.roy alsocietypublis hing.org/conten t/366/1578/2661 |
Yes |
960.94KB |
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Author(s): Johanna Eklund, Anni Arponen, Piero Visconti, Mar Cabeza
Year: 2011
Title: Governance factors in the identification of global conservation priorities for mammals download
Journal: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences
Volume/Issue: 366
Pages: 2661–2669
Web link/DOI: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/366/1578/2661
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: The Royal Society Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Small-scale grassland assembly patterns differ above and below the soil surface Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/11-1942.1
Jodi N. Price, Inga Hiiesalu, Pille Gerhold, and Meelis Pärtel
2012 |
Ecology |
http://www.esaj ournals.org/doi /abs/10.1890/11 -1942.1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Jodi N. Price, Inga Hiiesalu, Pille Gerhold, and Meelis Pärtel
Year: 2012
Title: Small-scale grassland assembly patterns differ above and below the soil surface Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/11-1942.1
Journal: Ecology
Volume/Issue: 93(6)
Pages: 1290–1296
Web link/DOI: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/11-1942.1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Ecological Society of America
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Worldwide decline of specialist species: toward a global functional homogenization? Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/080216
Joanne Clavel, Romain Julliard, and Vincent Devictor
2011 |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment |
http://www.esaj ournals.org/doi /abs/10.1890/08 0216 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Joanne Clavel, Romain Julliard, and Vincent Devictor
Year: 2011
Title: Worldwide decline of specialist species: toward a global functional homogenization? Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/080216
Journal: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Volume/Issue: 9(4)
Pages: 222–228
Web link/DOI: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/080216
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Ecological Society of America
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 19.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
A spatial assessment of ecosystem services in Europe: Methods, case studies and policy analysis -phase 2
Joachim Maes, Jennifer Hauck, Maria Luisa Paracchini, Outi Ratamäki, Mette Termansen, Marta Perez-Soba, Leena Kopperoinen, Katri Rankinen, Jan Philipp Schägner, Peter Henrys, Iwona Cisowska, Marianne Zandersen, Kurt Jax, Alessandra La Notte, Niko Leikola, Eija Pouta, Simon Smart, Berit Hasler, Tuija Lankia, Hans Estrup Andersen, Carlo Lavalle, Tommer Vermaas, Mohammed Hussen Alemu, Paul Scholefi eld, Filipe Batista, Richard Pywell, Mike Hutchins, Morten Blemmer, Anders Fonnesbech-Wulff, Adam J. Vanbergen, Bernd Münier, Claudia Baranzelli, David Roy, Vincent Thieu, Grazia Zulian, Mikko Kuussaari, Hans Thodsen, Eeva-Liisa Alanen, Benis Egoh, Peter Borgen Sørensen, Leon Braat, Giovanni Bidoglio |
2012 |
PEER Report |
http://www.peer .eu/fileadmin/u ser_upload/publ ications/PEER_r eport_4_phas... |
No |
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Author(s): Joachim Maes, Jennifer Hauck, Maria Luisa Paracchini, Outi Ratamäki, Mette Termansen, Marta Perez-Soba, Leena Kopperoinen, Katri Rankinen, Jan Philipp Schägner, Peter Henrys, Iwona Cisowska, Marianne Zandersen, Kurt Jax, Alessandra La Notte, Niko Leikola, Eija Pouta, Simon Smart, Berit Hasler, Tuija Lankia, Hans Estrup Andersen, Carlo Lavalle, Tommer Vermaas, Mohammed Hussen Alemu, Paul Scholefi eld, Filipe Batista, Richard Pywell, Mike Hutchins, Morten Blemmer, Anders Fonnesbech-Wulff, Adam J. Vanbergen, Bernd Münier, Claudia Baranzelli, David Roy, Vincent Thieu, Grazia Zulian, Mikko Kuussaari, Hans Thodsen, Eeva-Liisa Alanen, Benis Egoh, Peter Borgen Sørensen, Leon Braat, Giovanni Bidoglio
Year: 2012
Title: A spatial assessment of ecosystem services in Europe: Methods, case studies and policy analysis -phase 2
Subtitle: Synthesis report
Journal: PEER Report
Volume/Issue: 4
Web link/DOI: http://www.peer.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/publications/PEER_report_4_phase_2.pdf
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Ispra: Partnership for European Environmental Research
Folder: Book
Date of upload: 25.09.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
French citizens monitoring ordinary birds provide tools for conservation and ecological sciences
Jiguet F., Devictor V., Julliard R., Couvet D. |
2012 |
Acta Oecologica |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1146609X11 000762 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Jiguet F., Devictor V., Julliard R., Couvet D.
Year: 2012
Title: French citizens monitoring ordinary birds provide tools for conservation and ecological sciences
Journal: Acta Oecologica
Volume/Issue: 44
Pages: 58–66
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1146609X11000762
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Do all inter-patch movements represent dispersal? A mixed kernel study of butterfly mobility in fragmented landscapes.
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Hovestadt, T., Binzenhöfer, B., Nowicki, P., Settele, J. |
2011 |
Journal of Animal Ecology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1365-2656.2011. 01848.x/abst... |
Yes |
277.41KB |
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Author(s): Hovestadt, T., Binzenhöfer, B., Nowicki, P., Settele, J.
Year: 2011
Title: Do all inter-patch movements represent dispersal? A mixed kernel study of butterfly mobility in fragmented landscapes. download
Journal: Journal of Animal Ecology
Volume/Issue: 80(5)
Pages: 1070-1077
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2011.01848.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 04.05.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Payments for Ecosystem Services: Durable Habits, Dubious Nudges, Doubtful Efficacy
Hiedanpää, Juha & Bromley, Daniel W. |
2014 |
Journal of Institutional Economics |
http://journals .cambridge.org/ action/displayA bstract?fromPag e=online&aid... |
No |
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Author(s): Hiedanpää, Juha & Bromley, Daniel W.
Year: 2014
Title: Payments for Ecosystem Services: Durable Habits, Dubious Nudges, Doubtful Efficacy
Journal: Journal of Institutional Economics
Volume/Issue: 10 (2)
Pages: 175-195
Web link/DOI: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9245219&fileId=S1744137413000428#
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Cambridge University Press
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 18.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Securing the Conservation of Biodiversity across Administrative Levels and Spatial, Temporal, and Ecological Scales
download |
Henle, K., Kunin, W., Schweiger, O., Schmeller, D.S., Grobelnik, V., Matsinos, Y., Pantis, J., Penev, L., Potts, S., Ring, I., Similä, J., Tzanopoulos, J., van den Hove, S., Baguette, M., Clobert, J., Excoffier, L., Framstad, E., Grodzinska-Jurczak, M., Lengyel, S., Marty, P., Moilanen, A., Porcher, E., Storch, D., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Sykes, M.T., Zobel, M., Settele, J. |
2010 |
Gaia |
http://www.inge ntaconnect.com/ content/oekom/g aia/2010/000000 19/00000003/... |
Yes |
351.53KB |
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Author(s): Henle, K., Kunin, W., Schweiger, O., Schmeller, D.S., Grobelnik, V., Matsinos, Y., Pantis, J., Penev, L., Potts, S., Ring, I., Similä, J., Tzanopoulos, J., van den Hove, S., Baguette, M., Clobert, J., Excoffier, L., Framstad, E., Grodzinska-Jurczak, M., Lengyel, S., Marty, P., Moilanen, A., Porcher, E., Storch, D., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Sykes, M.T., Zobel, M., Settele, J.
Year: 2010
Title: Securing the Conservation of Biodiversity across Administrative Levels and Spatial, Temporal, and Ecological Scales download
Journal: Gaia
Volume/Issue: 19(3)
Pages: 187-193(7)
Web link/DOI: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oekom/gaia/2010/00000019/00000003/art00008
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Oekom verlag
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 29.07.2011
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Priorities for biodiversity monitoring in Europe: a review of supranational policies and a novel scheme for integrative prioritization
Henle, K., B. Bauch, M. Auliya, M. Külvik, G. Pe'er, D. S. Schmeller, Framstad E. |
2013 |
Ecological Indicators |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1470160X13 001416 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Henle, K., B. Bauch, M. Auliya, M. Külvik, G. Pe'er, D. S. Schmeller, Framstad E.
Year: 2013
Title: Priorities for biodiversity monitoring in Europe: a review of supranational policies and a novel scheme for integrative prioritization
Journal: Ecological Indicators
Volume/Issue: 33
Pages: 5-18
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X13001416
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Nature Conservation – a new dimension in Open Access publishing bridging science and application
download |
Henle K., Bell S., Brotons L., Clobert J., Evans D., Goerg Ch., Grodzinska-Jurczak M., Gruber B., Haila Y., Henry P., Huth A., Julliard R., Keil P., Kleyer M., Kotze J., Kunin W., Lengyel Sz., Lin Y., Loyau A., Luck G., Magnuson W., Margules Ch., Matsinos Y., May P., Sousa-Pinto I., Possingham H., Potts S., Ring I., Pryke J., Samways M., Saunders D., Schmeller D., Simila J., Sommer S., Steffan-Dewenter I., Stoev P., Sykes M., Tóthmérész B., Yam R., Tzanopoulos J., Penev L. |
2012 |
Nature Conservation |
http://www.pens oft.net/journal s/natureconserv ation/article/3 081/abstract/ |
Yes |
983.49KB |
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Author(s): Henle K., Bell S., Brotons L., Clobert J., Evans D., Goerg Ch., Grodzinska-Jurczak M., Gruber B., Haila Y., Henry P., Huth A., Julliard R., Keil P., Kleyer M., Kotze J., Kunin W., Lengyel Sz., Lin Y., Loyau A., Luck G., Magnuson W., Margules Ch., Matsinos Y., May P., Sousa-Pinto I., Possingham H., Potts S., Ring I., Pryke J., Samways M., Saunders D., Schmeller D., Simila J., Sommer S., Steffan-Dewenter I., Stoev P., Sykes M., Tóthmérész B., Yam R., Tzanopoulos J., Penev L.
Year: 2012
Title: Nature Conservation – a new dimension in Open Access publishing bridging science and application download
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 1
Pages: 1-10
Web link/DOI: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/natureconservation/article/3081/abstract/
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mycorrhizas in the Central European flora: relationships with plant life history traits and ecology
Hempel S., Götzenberger L., Kühn I., Michalski S.G., Rillig M.C., Zobel M., Moora M. |
Ecology |
http://www.esaj ournals.org/doi /abs/10.1890/12 -1700.1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Hempel S., Götzenberger L., Kühn I., Michalski S.G., Rillig M.C., Zobel M., Moora M.
Title: Mycorrhizas in the Central European flora: relationships with plant life history traits and ecology
Journal: Ecology
Volume/Issue: 94(6)
Pages: 1389–1399
Web link/DOI: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/12-1700.1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Ecological Siciety of America
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Does the interpolation accuracy of species distribution models come at the expense of transferability?
Heikkinen, R.K., Marmion, M. & Luoto, M. |
2012 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0587.2011. 06999.x/abst... |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Heikkinen, R.K., Marmion, M. & Luoto, M.
Year: 2012
Title: Does the interpolation accuracy of species distribution models come at the expense of transferability?
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 35(3)
Pages: 276–288
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.06999.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 28.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Impacts of land cover data selection and trait parameterisation on dynamic modelling of species’ range expansion
Heikkinen, R. K., Bocedi, G., Kuussaari, M., Heliölä, J., Leikola, N., Pöyry, J. Travis, J. M. J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Heikkinen, R. K., Bocedi, G., Kuussaari, M., Heliölä, J., Leikola, N., Pöyry, J. Travis, J. M. J.
Year: 2014
Title: Impacts of land cover data selection and trait parameterisation on dynamic modelling of species’ range expansion
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Coming Across and Coping with Uncertainty in Biodiversity Research and Praxis
download |
Haila Y., Henle K., ApostolopoulouE., Cent J., Framstad E., Görg C., Jax K., Klenke R., Magnusson W.E., Matsinos Y., Müller B., Paloniemi R., Pantis J., Rauschmayer F., Ring I., Settele J., Similä J., Touloumis K., Tzanopoulos J., Pe\'er G. |
2014 |
Nature Conservation |
http://natureco nservation.pens oft.net/article s.php?id=4141 |
Yes |
329.13KB |
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Author(s): Haila Y., Henle K., ApostolopoulouE., Cent J., Framstad E., Görg C., Jax K., Klenke R., Magnusson W.E., Matsinos Y., Müller B., Paloniemi R., Pantis J., Rauschmayer F., Ring I., Settele J., Similä J., Touloumis K., Tzanopoulos J., Pe\'er G.
Year: 2014
Title: Coming Across and Coping with Uncertainty in Biodiversity Research and Praxis download
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 8
Pages: 45-75
Web link/DOI: http://natureconservation.pensoft.net/articles.php?id=4141
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Refining rare weed trait syndromes along arable intensification gradients
Gyula Pinke and Richard M. Gunton |
2014 |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/jv s.12151/abstrac t |
Yes |
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Author(s): Gyula Pinke and Richard M. Gunton
Year: 2014
Title: Refining rare weed trait syndromes along arable intensification gradients
Journal: Journal of Vegetation Science
Volume/Issue: 25 (4)
Pages: 978–989
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvs.12151/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: International Association for Vegetation Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Scale-specific spatial density dependence in parasitoids: a multi-factor meta-analysis
Gunton, R. M. and Pöyry, J. |
2016 |
Functional Ecology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/13 65-2435.12627/a bstract |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Gunton, R. M. and Pöyry, J.
Year: 2016
Title: Scale-specific spatial density dependence in parasitoids: a multi-factor meta-analysis
Journal: Functional Ecology
Volume/Issue: Early view
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2435.12627/abstract
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 03.02.2016
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Spatial density-dependence in parasitoids: a meta-analysis
Gunton, R. M. & Pöyry, J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Gunton, R. M. & Pöyry, J.
Year: 2014
Title: Spatial density-dependence in parasitoids: a meta-analysis
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
"Mind the gap!" - How well does Natura 2000 cover species of European interest?
download |
Gruber B., Evans D., Henle K., Bauch B., Schmeller D.S. , Dziock F.,
Henry P.-Y., Lengyel S., Margules C., Dormann C.F. |
2012 |
Nature Conservation |
http://www.pens oft.net/journal s/natureconserv ation/article/3 732/abstract/ |
Yes |
2.18MB |
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Author(s): Gruber B., Evans D., Henle K., Bauch B., Schmeller D.S. , Dziock F.,
Henry P.-Y., Lengyel S., Margules C., Dormann C.F.
Year: 2012
Title: "Mind the gap!" - How well does Natura 2000 cover species of European interest? download
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 3
Pages: 45-63
Web link/DOI: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/natureconservation/article/3732/abstract/
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Expansion of Nature Conservation Areas: Problems with Natura 2000 Implementation in Poland?
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Cent, J. |
2011 |
Environmental Management |
http://dx.cross ref.org/10.1007 %2Fs00267-010-9 583-2 |
Yes |
561.11KB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Cent, J.
Year: 2011
Title: Expansion of Nature Conservation Areas: Problems with Natura 2000 Implementation in Poland? download
Journal: Environmental Management
Volume/Issue: 47(1)
Pages: 11-27
Web link/DOI: http://dx.crossref.org/10.1007%2Fs00267-010-9583-2
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer-Verlag
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 04.05.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Can public participation increase nature conservation effectiveness?
Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Cent J. |
2011 |
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1080/1351 1610.2011.59206 9 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Cent J.
Year: 2011
Title: Can public participation increase nature conservation effectiveness?
Journal: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
Volume/Issue: 24/3
Pages: 371-378
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2011.592069
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 04.05.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Effectiveness of Nature Conservation – a case of Natura 2000 sites in Poland. W: Protected Area Management
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Strzelecka M., Kamal S., Gutowska J. |
InTech, Rijeka |
http://www.inte chopen.com/book s/protected-are a-management/ef fectiveness-... |
Yes |
243.98KB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Strzelecka M., Kamal S., Gutowska J.
Title: Effectiveness of Nature Conservation – a case of Natura 2000 sites in Poland. W: Protected Area Management download
Journal: InTech, Rijeka
Web link/DOI: http://www.intechopen.com/books/protected-area-management/effectiveness-of-nature-conservation-a-case-of-natura-2000-sites-in-poland
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Book chapter
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
scale effectiveness of governance in biodiversity conservation. National regulatory model of biodiversity policy in Poland
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Szentgyörgyi H. |
2014 |
Report |
http://scales-p roject.net/img/ uplf/12964-02-P oland%20-%20Boo k.pdf |
Yes |
1.75MB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Szentgyörgyi H.
Year: 2014
Title: scale effectiveness of governance in biodiversity conservation. National regulatory model of biodiversity policy in Poland download
Journal: Report
Pages: 41
Web link/DOI: http://scales-project.net/img/uplf/12964-02-Poland%20-%20Book.pdf
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Book chapter
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 11.06.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. Socio-economic problems during Natura 2000 site selection process
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Boćkowski M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A. |
Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr. OL PAN w Lublinie |
http://www.pan- ol.lublin.pl/wy dawnictwa/TOchr 9/Grodzinska.pd f |
Yes |
140.88KB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Boćkowski M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A.
Title: Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. Socio-economic problems during Natura 2000 site selection process download
Journal: Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr. OL PAN w Lublinie
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: 64-69
Web link/DOI: http://www.pan-ol.lublin.pl/wydawnictwa/TOchr9/Grodzinska.pdf
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Spatial aggregation and the species–area relationship across scales
Grillia J., Azaeleb S., Banavarc J., Maritana A. |
2012 |
Journal of Theoretical Biology |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0022519312 003839 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Grillia J., Azaeleb S., Banavarc J., Maritana A.
Year: 2012
Title: Spatial aggregation and the species–area relationship across scales
Journal: Journal of Theoretical Biology
Volume/Issue: 313
Pages: 87–97
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519312003839
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Ecological assembly rules in plant communities-approaches, patterns and prospects
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Gotzenberger, L., de Bello, F., Brathen, K. A., Davison, J., Dubuis, A., Guisan, A., Leps, J., Lindborg, R., Moora, M., Partel, M., Pellissier, L., Pottier, J., Vittoz, P., Zobel, K. & Zobel, M. |
2012 |
Biological Reviews |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1469-185X.2011. 00187.x/abst... |
Yes |
673.19KB |
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Author(s): Gotzenberger, L., de Bello, F., Brathen, K. A., Davison, J., Dubuis, A., Guisan, A., Leps, J., Lindborg, R., Moora, M., Partel, M., Pellissier, L., Pottier, J., Vittoz, P., Zobel, K. & Zobel, M.
Year: 2012
Title: Ecological assembly rules in plant communities-approaches, patterns and prospects download
Journal: Biological Reviews
Volume/Issue: 87(1)
Pages: 111-127
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00187.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 01.03.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Delimiting synchronous populations from monitoring data
Giraud, C., Julliard, R., Porcher, E. |
2013 |
Environmental and Ecological Statistics |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0651-012-0222-3 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Giraud, C., Julliard, R., Porcher, E.
Year: 2013
Title: Delimiting synchronous populations from monitoring data
Journal: Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Volume/Issue: 20 (3)
Pages: 337-352
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10651-012-0222-3
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer US
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Minimum Area Requirements: what can we learn from the different ways to derive it, and how can we make it useful for biological conservation
G. Pe’er, M.Α. Tsianou, K.W. Franz, Y.G. Matsinos, A.D. Mazaris, D. Storch, L. K, J. Verboom, M. Baguette, V.M. Stevens, and K. Henle |
Biological Conservation |
Yes |
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Author(s): G. Pe’er, M.Α. Tsianou, K.W. Franz, Y.G. Matsinos, A.D. Mazaris, D. Storch, L. K, J. Verboom, M. Baguette, V.M. Stevens, and K. Henle
Title: Minimum Area Requirements: what can we learn from the different ways to derive it, and how can we make it useful for biological conservation
Journal: Biological Conservation
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Spatial Road Disturbance Index (SPROADI) for conservation planning: a novel landscape index, demonstrated for the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Freudenberger, L., Hobson P. R., Rupic S., Pe’er G., Schluck M., Sauermann J., Kreft S., Selva N., Ibisch P. L. |
Landscape Ecology |
Yes |
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Author(s): Freudenberger, L., Hobson P. R., Rupic S., Pe’er G., Schluck M., Sauermann J., Kreft S., Selva N., Ibisch P. L.
Title: Spatial Road Disturbance Index (SPROADI) for conservation planning: a novel landscape index, demonstrated for the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Status: In Press
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 17.04.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Life-history traits influence species-area relationships
FRANZÉN M, Schweiger O. |
Yes |
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Author(s): FRANZÉN M, Schweiger O.
Title: Life-history traits influence species-area relationships
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mapping from heterogeneous biodiversity monitoring data sources
Francesc Sardà-Palomera, Lluís Brotons, Dani Villero, Henk Sierdsema, Stuart E. Newson & Frédéric Jiguet |
2012 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0531-012-0347-6 #page-1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Francesc Sardà-Palomera, Lluís Brotons, Dani Villero, Henk Sierdsema, Stuart E. Newson & Frédéric Jiguet
Year: 2012
Title: Mapping from heterogeneous biodiversity monitoring data sources
Journal: Biodiversity and Conservation
Volume/Issue: 21 (11)
Pages: 2927-2948
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10531-012-0347-6#page-1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Lluís Brotons
Effects of species turnover on reserve site selection in a fragmented landscape
Felinks, B., Pardini, R., Dixo, M., Follner, K., Metzger, J.-P., Henle, K. |
2011 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1007/s105 31-011-0015-2 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Felinks, B., Pardini, R., Dixo, M., Follner, K., Metzger, J.-P., Henle, K.
Year: 2011
Title: Effects of species turnover on reserve site selection in a fragmented landscape
Journal: Biodiversity and Conservation
Volume/Issue: 20(5)
Pages: 1057-1072
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-011-0015-2
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 29.07.2011
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Differences in the climatic debts of birds and butterflies at a continental scale
evictor, V., van Swaay, C., Brereton, T., Brotons, L., Chamberlain, D., Heliölä, J., Herrando, S., Julliard, R., Kuussaari, M., Lindström, Å., Reif, J., Roy, D., van Strien, A., Settele, J., Schweiger, O., Stefanescu, C., Vermouzek, Z., van Turnhout, C., Wallis de Vries, M. & Jiguet, F. |
2012 |
Nature Climate Change |
http://www.natu re.com/nclimate /journal/v2/n2/ full/nclimate13 47.html |
Yes |
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Author(s): evictor, V., van Swaay, C., Brereton, T., Brotons, L., Chamberlain, D., Heliölä, J., Herrando, S., Julliard, R., Kuussaari, M., Lindström, Å., Reif, J., Roy, D., van Strien, A., Settele, J., Schweiger, O., Stefanescu, C., Vermouzek, Z., van Turnhout, C., Wallis de Vries, M. & Jiguet, F.
Year: 2012
Title: Differences in the climatic debts of birds and butterflies at a continental scale
Journal: Nature Climate Change
Volume/Issue: 2
Pages: 121–124
Web link/DOI: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n2/full/nclimate1347.html
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Nature Publishing Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 28.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Establishment of protected areas in different ecoregions, ecosystems, and diversity hotspots under successive political systems
Eva-Liis Tuvi, Ain Vellak, Ülle Reier, Robert Szava-Kovats, Meelis Pärte |
2011 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320711 001029 |
No |
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Author(s): Eva-Liis Tuvi, Ain Vellak, Ülle Reier, Robert Szava-Kovats, Meelis Pärte
Year: 2011
Title: Establishment of protected areas in different ecoregions, ecosystems, and diversity hotspots under successive political systems
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 144 (5)
Pages: 1726–1732
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320711001029
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 30.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Homogenization of lepidopteran communities in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes
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Ekroos, J., Heliölä, J., Kuussaari, M. |
2010 |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1111/j.13 65-2664.2009.01 767.x |
Yes |
347.11KB |
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Author(s): Ekroos, J., Heliölä, J., Kuussaari, M.
Year: 2010
Title: Homogenization of lepidopteran communities in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes download
Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology
Volume/Issue: 47(2)
Pages: 459-467
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01767.x
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 24.03.2010
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Landscape context affects the relationship between local and landscape species richness of butterflies in semi-natural habitats
Ekroos, J. & Kuussaari, M. |
2013 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0587.2011. 07005.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Ekroos, J. & Kuussaari, M.
Year: 2013
Title: Landscape context affects the relationship between local and landscape species richness of butterflies in semi-natural habitats
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 35(3)
Pages: 232-238
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07005.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 28.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
Devictor V., van Swaay C., Brereton T., Brotons L., Chamberlain D., Heliölä J., Herrando S., Julliard R., Kuussaari M., Lindström Å., Reif J., Roy D.B., Schweiger O., Settele J., Stefanescu C., Van Strien A., Van Turnhout C., Vermouzek Z., Wallis De Vries M., Wynhoff I., Jiguet F. |
2012 |
Nature Climate Change |
http://www.natu re.com/nclimate /journal/v2/n9/ full/nclimate16 67.html#access |
Yes |
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Author(s): Devictor V., van Swaay C., Brereton T., Brotons L., Chamberlain D., Heliölä J., Herrando S., Julliard R., Kuussaari M., Lindström Å., Reif J., Roy D.B., Schweiger O., Settele J., Stefanescu C., Van Strien A., Van Turnhout C., Vermouzek Z., Wallis De Vries M., Wynhoff I., Jiguet F.
Year: 2012
Title: Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
Journal: Nature Climate Change
Volume/Issue: 2
Pages: 636–637
Web link/DOI: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n9/full/nclimate1667.html#access
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Nature Publishing Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Scientific contributions of extensive biodiversity monitoring
Denis Couvet, Vincent Devictor, Frédéric Jiguet, Romain Julliard |
2011 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1631069111 000692 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Denis Couvet, Vincent Devictor, Frédéric Jiguet, Romain Julliard
Year: 2011
Title: Scientific contributions of extensive biodiversity monitoring
Journal: Comptes Rendus Biologies
Volume/Issue: 334(5-6)
Pages: 370–377
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631069111000692
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 19.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The Metatron: an experimental system to study dispersal and metaecosystems for terrestrial organisms
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Delphine Legrand, Olivier Guillaume, Michel Baguette, Julien Cote, Audrey Trochet, Olivier Calvez, Susanne Zajitschek, Felix Zajitschek, Jane Lecomte, Quentin Bénard, Jean-François Le Galliard & Jean Clobert
2012 |
Nature Methods |
doi:10.1038/nme th.2104 |
Yes |
10.32KB |
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Author(s): Delphine Legrand, Olivier Guillaume, Michel Baguette, Julien Cote, Audrey Trochet, Olivier Calvez, Susanne Zajitschek, Felix Zajitschek, Jane Lecomte, Quentin Bénard, Jean-François Le Galliard & Jean Clobert
Year: 2012
Title: The Metatron: an experimental system to study dispersal and metaecosystems for terrestrial organisms download
Journal: Nature Methods
Web link/DOI: doi:10.1038/nmeth.2104
Status: In Press
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 23.07.2012
Uploaded by: Michel Baguette
Dispersal mood revealed by shifts from routine to direct flights in the meadow brown butterfly Maniola jurtina
Delattre, T., Burel, F., Humeau, A., Stevens, V.M., Vernon, Ph., Baguette, M. |
2010 |
Oikos |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0706.2010. 18615.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Delattre, T., Burel, F., Humeau, A., Stevens, V.M., Vernon, Ph., Baguette, M.
Year: 2010
Title: Dispersal mood revealed by shifts from routine to direct flights in the meadow brown butterfly Maniola jurtina
Journal: Oikos
Volume/Issue: 119(12)
Pages: 1900–1908
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.18615.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Nordic Foundation Oikos
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The whereabouts of flower visitors: contrasting land-use preferences revealed by a country-wide survey based on citizen science
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Deguines N, Julliard R, De Flores M, Fontaine C. |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0045822 |
Yes |
513.33KB |
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Author(s): Deguines N, Julliard R, De Flores M, Fontaine C.
Year: 2012
Title: The whereabouts of flower visitors: contrasting land-use preferences revealed by a country-wide survey based on citizen science download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7
Pages: e45822
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0045822
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Calibration of hybrid species distribution models: the value of general-purpose vs. targeted monitoring data
De Cáceres, M., Brotons, L |
2012 |
Diversity and Distributions |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1472-4642.2012. 00899.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): De Cáceres, M., Brotons, L
Year: 2012
Title: Calibration of hybrid species distribution models: the value of general-purpose vs. targeted monitoring data
Journal: Diversity and Distributions
Volume/Issue: 18(10)
Pages: 977–989
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1472-4642.2012.00899.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly
de Bello F., Price J.N., Münkemüller T., Liira J., Zobel,M., Thuiller W., Gerhold P., Götzenberger L., Lavergne S., Leps J., Zobel K., Pärtel M. |
2012 |
Ecology |
http://www.esaj ournals.org/doi /abs/10.1890/11 -1394.1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): de Bello F., Price J.N., Münkemüller T., Liira J., Zobel,M., Thuiller W., Gerhold P., Götzenberger L., Lavergne S., Leps J., Zobel K., Pärtel M.
Year: 2012
Title: Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly
Journal: Ecology
Volume/Issue: 10
Pages: 2263 - 2273
Web link/DOI: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/11-1394.1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Ecological Siciety of America
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
To Fish or Not to Fish: Factors at Multiple Scales Affecting Artisanal Fishers' Readiness to Exit a Declining Fishery
Daw, T.M., Cinner, J.E., McClanahan, T.R., Brown, K., Stead, S.M., Graham, N.A.J., Maina, J. |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.00314... |
No |
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Author(s): Daw, T.M., Cinner, J.E., McClanahan, T.R., Brown, K., Stead, S.M., Graham, N.A.J., Maina, J.
Year: 2012
Title: To Fish or Not to Fish: Factors at Multiple Scales Affecting Artisanal Fishers' Readiness to Exit a Declining Fishery
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7(2)
Pages: e31460
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0031460?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+plosone%2FEcology+%28PLoS+ONE+Alerts%3A+Ecology%29
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 15.02.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in plant roots are not random assemblages
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Davison J, Öpik M, Daniell TJ, Moora M, Zobel M. |
2011 |
FEMS Microbiology Ecology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1574-6941.2011. 01103.x/abst... |
Yes |
567.19KB |
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Author(s): Davison J, Öpik M, Daniell TJ, Moora M, Zobel M.
Year: 2011
Title: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in plant roots are not random assemblages download
Journal: FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Volume/Issue: 78(1)
Pages: 103–115
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01103.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 19.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mapping to inform conservation: A case study of changes in semi-natural habitats and their connectivity over 70 years
D.A.P. Hooftman, J.M. Bullock |
2012 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320711 003715 |
Yes |
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Author(s): D.A.P. Hooftman, J.M. Bullock
Year: 2012
Title: Mapping to inform conservation: A case study of changes in semi-natural habitats and their connectivity over 70 years
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 145(1)
Pages: 30-38
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320711003715
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
From supply to social demand: a landscape-scale analysis of the water regulation service
Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Antonio J. Castro, Marina García-Llorente, Javier Cabello, Hermelindo Castro |
2014 |
Landscape Ecology |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0980-014-0032-0 |
No |
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Author(s): Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Antonio J. Castro, Marina García-Llorente, Javier Cabello, Hermelindo Castro
Year: 2014
Title: From supply to social demand: a landscape-scale analysis of the water regulation service
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Volume/Issue: 29 (6)
Pages: 1069-1082
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10980-014-0032-0
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Springer Netherlands
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 01.07.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Density of insect-pollinated grassland plants decreases with increasing surrounding land-use intensity
Clough Y, Ekroos J, Báldi A, Batáry P, Bommarco R, Gross N, Holzschuh A, Hopfenmüller S, Knop E, Kuussaari M, Lindborg R, Marini L, Öckinger E, Potts SG, Pöyry J, Roberts SPM, Steffan-Dewenter I, Smith HG |
2014 |
Ecology Letters |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/el e.12325/abstrac t |
Yes |
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Author(s): Clough Y, Ekroos J, Báldi A, Batáry P, Bommarco R, Gross N, Holzschuh A, Hopfenmüller S, Knop E, Kuussaari M, Lindborg R, Marini L, Öckinger E, Potts SG, Pöyry J, Roberts SPM, Steffan-Dewenter I, Smith HG
Year: 2014
Title: Density of insect-pollinated grassland plants decreases with increasing surrounding land-use intensity
Journal: Ecology Letters
Volume/Issue: 17 (9)
Pages: 1168–1177
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ele.12325/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Adapting global conservation strategies to climate change at the European scale: The otter as a flagship species
Cianfrani C., Le Lay G., Maiorano L., Satizábal H. F., Loy A., Guisan A. |
2011 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320711 00125X |
No |
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Author(s): Cianfrani C., Le Lay G., Maiorano L., Satizábal H. F., Loy A., Guisan A.
Year: 2011
Title: Adapting global conservation strategies to climate change at the European scale: The otter as a flagship species
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: Volume 144, Issue 8
Pages: 2068–2080
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000632071100125X
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 02.01.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Land-use pattern modification for optimal bird\'s conservation
Chun-Wei Huang, Yu-Pin Lin, Tzung-Su Ding, Yung-Chieh Wang, Wei-Te Hsiao |
2013 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Chun-Wei Huang, Yu-Pin Lin, Tzung-Su Ding, Yung-Chieh Wang, Wei-Te Hsiao
Year: 2013
Title: Land-use pattern modification for optimal bird\'s conservation
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 28.06.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Simulation of Ecosystem Responses to Multiple Hierarchical Disturbances: a Major Earthquake and Typhoons
Chiang, L.-C., Y.-P. Lin, T. Huang, Schmeller D., Verburg P., Y.-L. Liu, and T.-S. Ding |
2013 |
Landscape and Urban Planning |
Yes |
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Author(s): Chiang, L.-C., Y.-P. Lin, T. Huang, Schmeller D., Verburg P., Y.-L. Liu, and T.-S. Ding
Year: 2013
Title: Simulation of Ecosystem Responses to Multiple Hierarchical Disturbances: a Major Earthquake and Typhoons
Journal: Landscape and Urban Planning
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP1
Date of upload: 28.06.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Simulation of ecosystem service responses to multiple disturbances from an earthquake and several typhoons
Chiang, L.-C., Y.-P. Lin*, T. Huang, Y.-L. Liu, D. Schmeller, P.H. Verburg, Y.-L.Liu, T.-S. Ding |
2014 |
Landscape and Urban Planning |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0169204613 002089 |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Chiang, L.-C., Y.-P. Lin*, T. Huang, Y.-L. Liu, D. Schmeller, P.H. Verburg, Y.-L.Liu, T.-S. Ding
Year: 2014
Title: Simulation of ecosystem service responses to multiple disturbances from an earthquake and several typhoons
Journal: Landscape and Urban Planning
Volume/Issue: 122
Pages: 41–55
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204613002089
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 02.10.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Emerging multilevel environmental governance – A case of public participation in Poland
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Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A. |
2014 |
Journal for Nature Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1617138113 000988 |
Yes |
967.43KB |
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Author(s): Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A.
Year: 2014
Title: Emerging multilevel environmental governance – A case of public participation in Poland download
Journal: Journal for Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 22 (2)
Pages: 93-102
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1617138113000988
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 07.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness
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Carvalheiro L.G. et al. |
2014 |
Ecology Letters |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/el e.12342/abstrac t |
Yes |
1.19MB |
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Author(s): Carvalheiro L.G. et al.
Year: 2014
Title: The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness download
Journal: Ecology Letters
Volume/Issue: 17(11)
Pages: 1389–1399
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ele.12342/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 15.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Species richness declines and biotic homogenisation have slowed down for NW-European pollinators and plants
download |
Carvalheiro L., Kunin W., Keil P., Aguirre-Gutiérrez J., Ellis W., Fox R., Groom Q, Hennekens S., Van Landuyt W., Maes D., Van de Meutter F., Michez D., Rasmont P., Ode B., Potts S., Reemer M., Roberts S., Schaminée J., WallisDeVries M., Biesmeijer J. |
2013 |
Ecology Letters |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/el e.12121/abstrac t |
Yes |
990.41KB |
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Author(s): Carvalheiro L., Kunin W., Keil P., Aguirre-Gutiérrez J., Ellis W., Fox R., Groom Q, Hennekens S., Van Landuyt W., Maes D., Van de Meutter F., Michez D., Rasmont P., Ode B., Potts S., Reemer M., Roberts S., Schaminée J., WallisDeVries M., Biesmeijer J.
Year: 2013
Title: Species richness declines and biotic homogenisation have slowed down for NW-European pollinators and plants download
Journal: Ecology Letters
Volume/Issue: 16 (7)
Pages: 870-878
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ele.12121/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: John Wiley & Sons Ltd and CNRS
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 13.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Geographical variability in propagule pressure and climatic suitability explain the European distribution of two highly invasive crayfish
César Capinha, Lluís Brotons and Pedro Anastácio |
2012 |
Journal of Biogeography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/jb i.12025/abstrac t |
Yes |
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Author(s): César Capinha, Lluís Brotons and Pedro Anastácio
Year: 2012
Title: Geographical variability in propagule pressure and climatic suitability explain the European distribution of two highly invasive crayfish
Journal: Journal of Biogeography
Volume/Issue: 40
Pages: 548–558
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jbi.12025/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Lluís Brotons
Using species combinations in indicator value analyses
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Cáceres M., Legendre P., Wiser S.K., Brotons L. |
2012 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
http://www.scal es-project.net/ page.php?P=37&S P=72 |
Yes |
495.92KB |
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Author(s): Cáceres M., Legendre P., Wiser S.K., Brotons L.
Year: 2012
Title: Using species combinations in indicator value analyses download
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 3(6)
Pages: 973–982
Web link/DOI: http://www.scales-project.net/page.php?P=37&SP=72
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
A synthesis of empirical plant dispersal kernels
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Bullock James M.; Mallada Gonzalez Laura; Tamme Riin; Götzenberger Lars; White Steven M.; Pärtel Meelis; Hooftman Danny A.P. |
2016 |
Journal of Ecology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/13 65-2745.12666/a bstract? |
Yes |
985.73KB |
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Author(s): Bullock James M.; Mallada Gonzalez Laura; Tamme Riin; Götzenberger Lars; White Steven M.; Pärtel Meelis; Hooftman Danny A.P.
Year: 2016
Title: A synthesis of empirical plant dispersal kernels download
Journal: Journal of Ecology
Volume/Issue: 105 (1)
Pages: 6-19
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2745.12666/abstract?
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.01.2017
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Adaptability of prey handling effort in relation to prey size in predatory wasps (Hymenoptera: Eumeninae)
Budrys, E. & Budrienė, A. |
2012 |
Annales Zoologici Fennici |
http://www.bioo ne.org/doi/abs/ 10.5735/086.049 .0106 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Budrys, E. & Budrienė, A.
Year: 2012
Title: Adaptability of prey handling effort in relation to prey size in predatory wasps (Hymenoptera: Eumeninae)
Journal: Annales Zoologici Fennici
Volume/Issue: 49 (1-2)
Pages: 58–68
Web link/DOI: http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5735/086.049.0106
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 12.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Sexual size dimorphism in the ontogeny of the solitary predatory wasp Symmorphus allobrogus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Budrienė A. , Budrys E., Nevronytė Ž. |
2013 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1631069113 000140 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Budrienė A. , Budrys E., Nevronytė Ž.
Year: 2013
Title: Sexual size dimorphism in the ontogeny of the solitary predatory wasp Symmorphus allobrogus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Journal: Comptes Rendus Biologies
Volume/Issue: 336 (2)
Pages: 57–64
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631069113000140
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 12.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Identifying appropriate spatial scales of predictors in species distribution models with the random forest algorithm
Bradter U., Kunin W., Altringham J., Thom T., Benton T.
2013 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 2041-210x.2012. 00253.x/abst... |
No |
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Author(s): Bradter U., Kunin W., Altringham J., Thom T., Benton T.
Year: 2013
Title: Identifying appropriate spatial scales of predictors in species distribution models with the random forest algorithm
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 4(2)
Pages: 167–174
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00253.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 27.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The state of connectivity conservation in Europe: implementation gaps and recommendations
Bormpoudakis, D., Apostolopoulou, E., Paloniemi, R., Cent, J., Dimitrakopoulos, P., Grodzinska-Jurczak, M., Tsianou, M., Salomaa, A., Tzanopoulos, J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Bormpoudakis, D., Apostolopoulou, E., Paloniemi, R., Cent, J., Dimitrakopoulos, P., Grodzinska-Jurczak, M., Tsianou, M., Salomaa, A., Tzanopoulos, J.
Year: 2014
Title: The state of connectivity conservation in Europe: implementation gaps and recommendations
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Exploring the contribution of fiscal transfers to protected area policy
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Borie M., Mathevet R., Letourneau A., Ring I., Thompson J., Marty P. |
2014 |
Ecology and Society |
http://www.ecol ogyandsociety.o rg/vol19/iss1/a rt9/ |
Yes |
487.83KB |
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Author(s): Borie M., Mathevet R., Letourneau A., Ring I., Thompson J., Marty P.
Year: 2014
Title: Exploring the contribution of fiscal transfers to protected area policy download
Journal: Ecology and Society
Volume/Issue: 19(1)
Pages: 9
Web link/DOI: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol19/iss1/art9/
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Resilience Alliance
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Assessing Governance Structures for Green Infrastructure
Borgström, S. and Similä, J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Borgström, S. and Similä, J.
Year: 2014
Title: Assessing Governance Structures for Green Infrastructure
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Deliberation in cooperative networks for forest conservation
Borg, R., Paloniemi, R. |
2012 |
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences |
http://www.tand fonline.com/doi /abs/10.1080/19 43815X.2012.709 869?journalC... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Borg, R., Paloniemi, R.
Year: 2012
Title: Deliberation in cooperative networks for forest conservation
Journal: Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Volume/Issue: 9(3)
Pages: 151-166
Web link/DOI: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1943815X.2012.709869?journalCode=nens20#.UaW9SUBTDmc
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Taylor and Francis Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Selection on dispersal in isolated butterfly metapopulations
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Bonelli S., Vrabec V., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Nowicki P. |
2013 |
Population Ecology |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0144-013-0377-2 |
Yes |
515.27KB |
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Author(s): Bonelli S., Vrabec V., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Nowicki P.
Year: 2013
Title: Selection on dispersal in isolated butterfly metapopulations download
Journal: Population Ecology
Volume/Issue: 55 (3)
Pages: 469-478
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10144-013-0377-2
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Japan
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 07.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Projecting species’ range expansion dynamics: sources of systematic biases when scaling up patterns and processes
download |
Bocedi, G., Pe’er G., Heikkinen R.K., Matsinos Y.G., Travis J.M.J. |
2012 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 2041-210X.2012. 00235.x/abst... |
Yes |
7.38MB |
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Author(s): Bocedi, G., Pe’er G., Heikkinen R.K., Matsinos Y.G., Travis J.M.J.
Year: 2012
Title: Projecting species’ range expansion dynamics: sources of systematic biases when scaling up patterns and processes download
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 3 (6)
Pages: 1008-1018
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00235.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Effects of local adaptation and interspecific competition on species’ responses to climate change
Bocedi G., Atkins K.E., Liao J., Henry R., Travis J., Hellmann J.J. |
2013 |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/ny as.12211/abstra ct |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Bocedi G., Atkins K.E., Liao J., Henry R., Travis J., Hellmann J.J.
Year: 2013
Title: Effects of local adaptation and interspecific competition on species’ responses to climate change
Journal: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Volume/Issue: 1297
Pages: 83-97
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nyas.12211/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: The New York Academy of Sciences
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 7.8.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Scale-Dependent Effects of a Heterogeneous Landscape on Genetic Differentiation in the Central American Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri oerstedii)
Blair ME, Melnick DJ |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.00430... |
No |
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Author(s): Blair ME, Melnick DJ
Year: 2012
Title: Scale-Dependent Effects of a Heterogeneous Landscape on Genetic Differentiation in the Central American Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri oerstedii)
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7(8)
Pages: e43027
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0043027?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+plosone%2FEcology+%28PLoS+ONE+Alerts%3A+Ecology%29
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 01.09.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
A decision tool for listing species for protection on different geographic scales and administrative levels
Bertrand Schatz, Perrine Gauthier, Max Debussche, John D. Thompson |
2014 |
Journal for Nature Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1617138113 000964 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Bertrand Schatz, Perrine Gauthier, Max Debussche, John D. Thompson
Year: 2014
Title: A decision tool for listing species for protection on different geographic scales and administrative levels
Journal: Journal for Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 22(1)
Pages: 75–83
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1617138113000964
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Landscape variables impact the structure and composition of butterfly assemblages along an urbanization gradient
Bergerot B., Fontaine B., Julliard R., Baguette M |
2010 |
Landscape Ecology |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0980-010-9537-3 |
No |
+ more
Author(s): Bergerot B., Fontaine B., Julliard R., Baguette M
Year: 2010
Title: Landscape variables impact the structure and composition of butterfly assemblages along an urbanization gradient
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Volume/Issue: 26 (1)
Pages: 83-94
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10980-010-9537-3
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Springer Netherlands
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 08.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Relating Habitat and Climatic Niches in Birds
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Barnagaud, J-Y., Devictor, V., Jiguet, F., Barbet-Massin, M., Le Vio, I.,
Archaux, F. |
2012 |
PlosOne |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.003281 9 |
Yes |
851.57KB |
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Author(s): Barnagaud, J-Y., Devictor, V., Jiguet, F., Barbet-Massin, M., Le Vio, I.,
Archaux, F.
Year: 2012
Title: Relating Habitat and Climatic Niches in Birds download
Journal: PlosOne
Volume/Issue: 7/3
Pages: e32819
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032819
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: public library of science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 20.03.2012
Uploaded by: Isabelle Leviol
Species’ thermal preferences affect forest bird communities along landscape and local scale habitat gradients
Barnagaud J-Y, Barbaro L, Hampe A, Jiguet F, Archaux F. |
2013 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0587.2012. 00227.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Barnagaud J-Y, Barbaro L, Hampe A, Jiguet F, Archaux F.
Year: 2013
Title: Species’ thermal preferences affect forest bird communities along landscape and local scale habitat gradients
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 36 (11)
Pages: 1218–1226
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2012.00227.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Selecting pseudo-absence for species distribution models: how, where and how many?
Barbet-Massin M, Jiguet F, Albert C, Thuiller W. |
2012 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 2041-210X.2011. 00172.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Barbet-Massin M, Jiguet F, Albert C, Thuiller W.
Year: 2012
Title: Selecting pseudo-absence for species distribution models: how, where and how many?
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 3(2)
Pages: 327–338
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00172.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 07.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Downscaling species occupancy from coarse spatial scales
Azaele S., Cornell S., Kunin W. |
2012 |
Ecological Applications |
http://www.esaj ournals.org/doi /abs/10.1890/11 -0536.1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Azaele S., Cornell S., Kunin W.
Year: 2012
Title: Downscaling species occupancy from coarse spatial scales
Journal: Ecological Applications
Volume/Issue: 22 (3)
Pages: 1004–1014
Web link/DOI: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/11-0536.1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Ecological Society of America
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 27.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Setting conservation targets under budgetary constraints
Atte Moilanen, Anni Arponen |
2011 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320710 003873 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Atte Moilanen, Anni Arponen
Year: 2011
Title: Setting conservation targets under budgetary constraints
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 144(1)
Pages: 650–653
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320710003873
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Administrative regions in conservation: Balancing local priorities with regional to global preferences in spatial planning
Atte Moilanen, Anni Arponen |
2011 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320711 001017 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Atte Moilanen, Anni Arponen
Year: 2011
Title: Administrative regions in conservation: Balancing local priorities with regional to global preferences in spatial planning
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 144(5)
Pages: 1719–1725
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320711001017
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Effects of Connectivity and Spatial Resolution of Analyses on Conservation Prioritization across Large Extents
Arponen, A., Lehtomaki, J., Leppanen, J., Tomppo, E., Moilanen, A. |
2012 |
Conservation Biology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1523-1739.2011. 01814.x/full |
Yes |
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Author(s): Arponen, A., Lehtomaki, J., Leppanen, J., Tomppo, E., Moilanen, A.
Year: 2012
Title: Effects of Connectivity and Spatial Resolution of Analyses on Conservation Prioritization across Large Extents
Journal: Conservation Biology
Volume/Issue: 26 (2)
Pages: 294-304
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2011.01814.x/full
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Society for Conservation Biology
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 20.02.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Improving conservation planning for semi-natural grasslands: Integrating connectivity into agri-environment schemes
Arponen, A., Heikkinen, R. K., Paloniemi, R., Pöyry, J., Similä, J. & Kuussaari, M. |
2013 |
Biological conservation |
http://dx.doi.o rg10.1016/j.bio con.2013.01.018 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Arponen, A., Heikkinen, R. K., Paloniemi, R., Pöyry, J., Similä, J. & Kuussaari, M.
Year: 2013
Title: Improving conservation planning for semi-natural grasslands: Integrating connectivity into agri-environment schemes
Journal: Biological conservation
Volume/Issue: 160
Pages: 234–241
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org10.1016/j.biocon.2013.01.018
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 23.05.2013
Uploaded by: Anni Arponen
Prioritizing species for conservation planning
Arponen A. |
2012 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0531-012-0242-1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Arponen A.
Year: 2012
Title: Prioritizing species for conservation planning
Journal: Biodiversity and Conservation
Volume/Issue: 21 (4)
Pages: 875-893
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10531-012-0242-1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Netherlands
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 18.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova