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How is dispersal integrated in life histories: a quantitative analysis using butterflies
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Stevens, V.M., Trochet, A., Van Dyck, H.,
Clobert, J., Baguette, M. |
2012 |
Ecology Letters |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1111/j.14 61-0248.2011.01 709.x |
Yes |
193.13KB |
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Author(s): Stevens, V.M., Trochet, A., Van Dyck, H.,
Clobert, J., Baguette, M.
Year: 2012
Title: How is dispersal integrated in life histories: a quantitative analysis using butterflies download
Journal: Ecology Letters
Volume/Issue: 15 (1)
Pages: 74-86
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01709.x
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing/CNRS
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 28.12.2011
Uploaded by: Michel Baguette
Universal species-area and endemics-area relationships at continental scales
Storch. D., Keil, P., Jetz, W. |
2012 |
Nature |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1038/natu re11226 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Storch. D., Keil, P., Jetz, W.
Year: 2012
Title: Universal species-area and endemics-area relationships at continental scales
Journal: Nature
Volume/Issue: 488 (7409)
Pages: 78-81
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature11226
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Nature Publishing Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 06.07.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The Compatibility of the Habitats Directive with the Novel EU Green Infrastructure Policy
Suvi Borgström, Frederik H. Kistenkas |
2014 |
European Energy and Environmental Law Review |
http://www.kluw erlawonline.com /abstract.php?i d=EELR2014004 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Suvi Borgström, Frederik H. Kistenkas
Year: 2014
Title: The Compatibility of the Habitats Directive with the Novel EU Green Infrastructure Policy
Journal: European Energy and Environmental Law Review
Volume/Issue: 23 (2)
Pages: 36–44
Web link/DOI: http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/abstract.php?id=EELR2014004
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Kluwer Law International
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes - eight hypotheses
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Teja Tscharntke, Jason M. Tylianakis, Tatyana A. Rand, Raphael K. Didham, Lenore Fahrig, Péter Batáry, Janne Bengtsson, Yann Clough, Thomas O. Crist, Carsten F. Dormann, Robert M. Ewers, Jochen Fründ, Robert D. Holt, Andrea Holzschuh, Alexandra M. Klein, David Kleijn, Claire Kremen, Doug A. Landis, William Laurance, David Lindenmayer, Christoph Scherber, Navjot Sodhi, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Carsten Thies, Wim H. van der Putten and Catrin Westphal1 |
2012 |
Biological Reviews |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1469-185X.2011. 00216.x/abst... |
Yes |
1014.8KB |
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Author(s): Teja Tscharntke, Jason M. Tylianakis, Tatyana A. Rand, Raphael K. Didham, Lenore Fahrig, Péter Batáry, Janne Bengtsson, Yann Clough, Thomas O. Crist, Carsten F. Dormann, Robert M. Ewers, Jochen Fründ, Robert D. Holt, Andrea Holzschuh, Alexandra M. Klein, David Kleijn, Claire Kremen, Doug A. Landis, William Laurance, David Lindenmayer, Christoph Scherber, Navjot Sodhi, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Carsten Thies, Wim H. van der Putten and Catrin Westphal1
Year: 2012
Title: Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes - eight hypotheses download
Journal: Biological Reviews
Volume/Issue: 87 (3)
Pages: 661–685
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00216.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Cambridge Philosophical Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Nature Reserve as Social-Ecological System
Therville C., Casella-Colombeau L., Mathevet R., Bioret F. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Therville C., Casella-Colombeau L., Mathevet R., Bioret F.
Year: 2014
Title: Nature Reserve as Social-Ecological System
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Navigating protected areas as social-ecological systems: integration pathways of French nature reserves
Therville, C., Mathevet, R., Bioret, F. et al. |
2017 |
Regional Environmental Change |
https://doi.org /10.1007/s10113 -017-1231-4 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Therville, C., Mathevet, R., Bioret, F. et al.
Year: 2017
Title: Navigating protected areas as social-ecological systems: integration pathways of French nature reserves
Journal: Regional Environmental Change
Pages: 1–12
Web link/DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-017-1231-4
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.01.2018
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Hedgerow trees and extended-width field margins enhance macro-moth diversity: implications for management
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Thomas Merckx, Lorenzo Marini, Ruth E. Feber and David W. Macdonald |
2012 |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1365-2664.2012. 02211.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Thomas Merckx, Lorenzo Marini, Ruth E. Feber and David W. Macdonald
Year: 2012
Title: Hedgerow trees and extended-width field margins enhance macro-moth diversity: implications for management download
Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology
Volume/Issue: 49(6)
Pages: 396–1404
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02211.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Natura 2000 conservation network: Variability in the implementation of a common EU framework
Touloumis Konstantinos, Kallimanis S. Athanasios, Tzanopoulos Joseph, Apostolopoulou Evangelia*, Mazaris D. Antonios, Stefanidou Sofia, Scott Anna, Potts Simon, Pantis D. John |
2014 |
Land Use and Urban Planning |
Yes |
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Author(s): Touloumis Konstantinos, Kallimanis S. Athanasios, Tzanopoulos Joseph, Apostolopoulou Evangelia*, Mazaris D. Antonios, Stefanidou Sofia, Scott Anna, Potts Simon, Pantis D. John
Year: 2014
Title: Natura 2000 conservation network: Variability in the implementation of a common EU framework
Journal: Land Use and Urban Planning
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Dispersal and species’ responses to climate change
Travis, J.M.J., Delgado M., Bocedi G., Baguette M., Barton K., Bonte D., Boulangeat I., Hodgson J.A., Kubisch A., Penteriani V., Saastamoinen M., Stevens V.M., Bullock J.M. |
2013 |
Oikos |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0706.2013. 00399.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Travis, J.M.J., Delgado M., Bocedi G., Baguette M., Barton K., Bonte D., Boulangeat I., Hodgson J.A., Kubisch A., Penteriani V., Saastamoinen M., Stevens V.M., Bullock J.M.
Year: 2013
Title: Dispersal and species’ responses to climate change
Journal: Oikos
Volume/Issue: 122 (11)
Pages: 1532–1540
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00399.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 7.8.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network to cover threatened species
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Trochet A., Schmeller D.S. |
2013 |
Nature Conservation |
http://www.pens oft.net/journal s/natureconserv ation/article/3 626/abstract/ |
Yes |
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Author(s): Trochet A., Schmeller D.S.
Year: 2013
Title: Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network to cover threatened species download
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 4
Pages: 35-53
Web link/DOI: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/natureconservation/article/3626/abstract/
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Human Activities in Natura 2000 Sites: A Highly Diversified Conservation Network
Tsiafouli, M.A., Apostolopoulou, E., Mazaris, A.D., Kallimanis A.S., Drakou, E.G. Pantis, J.D. |
2013 |
Environmental Management |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs0 0267-013-0036-6 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Tsiafouli, M.A., Apostolopoulou, E., Mazaris, A.D., Kallimanis A.S., Drakou, E.G. Pantis, J.D.
Year: 2013
Title: Human Activities in Natura 2000 Sites: A Highly Diversified Conservation Network
Journal: Environmental Management
Volume/Issue: 51 (5)
Pages: 1025-1033
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00267-013-0036-6
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Identifying the criteria underlying the political decision for the prioritization of the Greek Natura 2000 conservation network
Tsianou, M.A., Mazaris, A.D., Kallimanis, A.S., Deligioridi, P-S.K., Apostolopoulou, E., Pantis, J.D. |
2013 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320713 002036 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Tsianou, M.A., Mazaris, A.D., Kallimanis, A.S., Deligioridi, P-S.K., Apostolopoulou, E., Pantis, J.D.
Year: 2013
Title: Identifying the criteria underlying the political decision for the prioritization of the Greek Natura 2000 conservation network
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 166
Pages: 103–110
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320713002036
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 3.8.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Species- and sex-specific adjustments of movement behavior to landscape heterogeneity in butterflies
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Turlure, C., Baguette, M., Stevens, V.M., Maes, D.
2011 |
Behavioral Ecology |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1093/behe co/arr077 |
Yes |
380.78KB |
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Author(s): Turlure, C., Baguette, M., Stevens, V.M., Maes, D.
Year: 2011
Title: Species- and sex-specific adjustments of movement behavior to landscape heterogeneity in butterflies download
Journal: Behavioral Ecology
Volume/Issue: 22 (5)
Pages: 967-975
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arr077
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Oxford University Press
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 19.10.2011
Uploaded by: Reinhard Klenke
Scale sensitivity of drivers of environmental change across Europe
Tzanopoulos, J., Mouttet, R., Letourneau, A., Vogiatzakis, I.N., Potts, S.G., Henle, K., Mathevet, R., Marty, P. |
2013 |
Global Environmental Change |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0959378012 001124 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Tzanopoulos, J., Mouttet, R., Letourneau, A., Vogiatzakis, I.N., Potts, S.G., Henle, K., Mathevet, R., Marty, P.
Year: 2013
Title: Scale sensitivity of drivers of environmental change across Europe
Journal: Global Environmental Change
Volume/Issue: 23(1)
Pages: 167-178
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378012001124
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Evaluation of Multi-Scale Climate Effects on Annual Recruitment Levels of the Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica, to Taiwan
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Tzeng, W.-N., Tseng, Y.-H., Han, Y.-S., Hsu, C.-C., Chang, C.-W., Di Lorenzo, E., Hsieh, C.-H. |
2012 |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.003080 5 |
No |
2.19MB |
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Author(s): Tzeng, W.-N., Tseng, Y.-H., Han, Y.-S., Hsu, C.-C., Chang, C.-W., Di Lorenzo, E., Hsieh, C.-H.
Year: 2012
Title: Evaluation of Multi-Scale Climate Effects on Annual Recruitment Levels of the Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica, to Taiwan download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7/2
Pages: e30805
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030805
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 24.02.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Conservation planning in a fire-prone Mediterranean region: threats and opportunities for bird species
Vallecillo S, Hermoso V, Possingham H, Brotons L. |
2013 |
Landscape Ecology |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0980-013-9904-y |
Yes |
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Author(s): Vallecillo S, Hermoso V, Possingham H, Brotons L.
Year: 2013
Title: Conservation planning in a fire-prone Mediterranean region: threats and opportunities for bird species
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Volume/Issue: 28 (8)
Pages: 1517-1528
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10980-013-9904-y
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Netherlands
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union
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van Swaay, C., Collins, S., Dušej, G., Maes, D., Munguira, M.L., Rakosy, L., Ryrholm, N., Šašić, M., Settele, J., Thomas, J., Verovnik, R., Verstrael, T., Warren, M., Wiemers, M., Wynhoff, I. |
2012 |
Nature Conservation |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.3897/natu reconservation. 1.2786 |
Yes |
24.83MB |
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Author(s): van Swaay, C., Collins, S., Dušej, G., Maes, D., Munguira, M.L., Rakosy, L., Ryrholm, N., Šašić, M., Settele, J., Thomas, J., Verovnik, R., Verstrael, T., Warren, M., Wiemers, M., Wynhoff, I.
Year: 2012
Title: Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union download
Subtitle: Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 1
Pages: 73-153
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.1.2786
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 19.03.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Exploring Dimensions, Scales, and Cross-scale Dynamics from the Perspectives of Change Agents in Social–ecological Systems
Vervoort, J.M., Rutting, L., Kok, K., Hermans, F.L.P., Veldkamp, T., Bregt, A.K., van Lammeren, R. |
2012 |
Ecology and Society |
http://www.ecol ogyandsociety.o rg/vol17/iss4/a rt24/ |
No |
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Author(s): Vervoort, J.M., Rutting, L., Kok, K., Hermans, F.L.P., Veldkamp, T., Bregt, A.K., van Lammeren, R.
Year: 2012
Title: Exploring Dimensions, Scales, and Cross-scale Dynamics from the Perspectives of Change Agents in Social–ecological Systems
Journal: Ecology and Society
Volume/Issue: 17/4
Pages: 24
Web link/DOI: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol17/iss4/art24/
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 14.01.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Expertise et concertation : peut-on penser collectivement la protection intégrée de la nature ?
Vimal R., Mathevet R., Michel L. |
2012 |
Natures Sciences Sociétés |
Yes |
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Author(s): Vimal R., Mathevet R., Michel L.
Year: 2012
Title: Expertise et concertation : peut-on penser collectivement la protection intégrée de la nature ?
Journal: Natures Sciences Sociétés
Volume/Issue: 20
Pages: 415- 424
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The changing landscape of ecological networks
Vimal,R., Mathevet, R., Thompson, J.D. |
2012 |
Journal of Nature Conservation |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1016/j.jn c.2011.08.001 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Vimal,R., Mathevet, R., Thompson, J.D.
Year: 2012
Title: The changing landscape of ecological networks
Journal: Journal of Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 20 (1)
Pages: 49-55
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2011.08.001
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 04.05.2012
Uploaded by:
Rapid assessment of historic, current and future habitat quality for biodiversity around UK Natura 2000 sites
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Vogiatzakis I.N., Stirpe M.T., Rickebusch S., Metzger M.J., Xu G., Rounsevell M.D.A., Bommarco R., Potts S.G. |
2015 |
Environmental Conservation |
http://journals .cambridge.org/ action/displayA bstract?fromPag e=online&aid... |
Yes |
332.3KB |
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Author(s): Vogiatzakis I.N., Stirpe M.T., Rickebusch S., Metzger M.J., Xu G., Rounsevell M.D.A., Bommarco R., Potts S.G.
Year: 2015
Title: Rapid assessment of historic, current and future habitat quality for biodiversity around UK Natura 2000 sites download
Journal: Environmental Conservation
Volume/Issue: 42 (1)
Pages: 31-40
Web link/DOI: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9247544&fileId=S0376892914000137
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Cambridge University Press
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 15.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Road effects on habitat richness of the Greek Natura 2000 network
download |
Votsi, N., Mazaris,A., Kallimanis, A., Zomeni, M., Vogiatzakis, I., Sgardelis, S., Pantis, J. |
2012 |
Nature Conservation |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.3897/natu reconservation. 1.2086 |
Yes |
1.26MB |
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Author(s): Votsi, N., Mazaris,A., Kallimanis, A., Zomeni, M., Vogiatzakis, I., Sgardelis, S., Pantis, J.
Year: 2012
Title: Road effects on habitat richness of the Greek Natura 2000 network download
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 1
Pages: 53–71
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.1.2086
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: PenSoft
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 19.03.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
STAR-BME: A GIS tool for spatiotemporal modeling under a knowledge synthesis framework
Yu, Hwa-Lung, Shang-Chen Ku, and Kolovos A. |
2013 |
Environmental Modeling & Software |
Yes |
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Author(s): Yu, Hwa-Lung, Shang-Chen Ku, and Kolovos A.
Year: 2013
Title: STAR-BME: A GIS tool for spatiotemporal modeling under a knowledge synthesis framework
Journal: Environmental Modeling & Software
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP1
Date of upload: 28.06.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
A GIS-based policy support tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for biodiversity conservation
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Yu-Pin Lin, Dirk S. Schmeller, Tzung-Su Ding, Yung Chieh Wang, Wan-Yu Lien, Klaus Henle, Reinhard A. Klenke |
2020 |
https://doi.org /10.1371/journa l.pone.0243135 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Yu-Pin Lin, Dirk S. Schmeller, Tzung-Su Ding, Yung Chieh Wang, Wan-Yu Lien, Klaus Henle, Reinhard A. Klenke
Year: 2020
Title: A GIS-based policy support tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for biodiversity conservation download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 15(12)
Pages: e0243135
Web link/DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243135
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: https://plos.org/
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 06.12.2020
Uploaded by: Reinhard Klenke
An optimal sampling scheme with downscaling approach for sampling of bird species at various scale sample sites
Yu-Pin Lin, Wei-Chih Lin, Tzung-Su Ding, Pei-Fen Lee, Schemeller D., Henle K., Tsai-Chu Wu |
2013 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Yu-Pin Lin, Wei-Chih Lin, Tzung-Su Ding, Pei-Fen Lee, Schemeller D., Henle K., Tsai-Chu Wu
Year: 2013
Title: An optimal sampling scheme with downscaling approach for sampling of bird species at various scale sample sites
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP1
Date of upload: 28.06.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova