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Variation within and between closely related species uncovers high intra-specific variability in dispersal
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Stevens, V.M., Pavoine, S., Baguette, M. |
2010 |
Plos One |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.001112 3 |
Yes |
411.69KB |
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Author(s): Stevens, V.M., Pavoine, S., Baguette, M.
Year: 2010
Title: Variation within and between closely related species uncovers high intra-specific variability in dispersal download
Journal: Plos One
Volume/Issue: 5(6): e11123
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0011123
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library Of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 05.08.2011
Uploaded by: Michel Baguette
Decreased Functional Diversity and Biological Pest Control in Conventional Compared to Organic Crop Fields
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Krauss, J., Gallenberger, I., Steffan-Dewenter, I. |
2011 |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.001950 2 |
Yes |
327.9KB |
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Author(s): Krauss, J., Gallenberger, I., Steffan-Dewenter, I.
Year: 2011
Title: Decreased Functional Diversity and Biological Pest Control in Conventional Compared to Organic Crop Fields download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 6(5)
Pages: e19502
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0019502
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 05.08.2011
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
To Fish or Not to Fish: Factors at Multiple Scales Affecting Artisanal Fishers' Readiness to Exit a Declining Fishery
Daw, T.M., Cinner, J.E., McClanahan, T.R., Brown, K., Stead, S.M., Graham, N.A.J., Maina, J. |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.00314... |
No |
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Author(s): Daw, T.M., Cinner, J.E., McClanahan, T.R., Brown, K., Stead, S.M., Graham, N.A.J., Maina, J.
Year: 2012
Title: To Fish or Not to Fish: Factors at Multiple Scales Affecting Artisanal Fishers' Readiness to Exit a Declining Fishery
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7(2)
Pages: e31460
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0031460?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+plosone%2FEcology+%28PLoS+ONE+Alerts%3A+Ecology%29
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 15.02.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
Evaluation of Multi-Scale Climate Effects on Annual Recruitment Levels of the Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica, to Taiwan
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Tzeng, W.-N., Tseng, Y.-H., Han, Y.-S., Hsu, C.-C., Chang, C.-W., Di Lorenzo, E., Hsieh, C.-H. |
2012 |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.003080 5 |
No |
2.19MB |
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Author(s): Tzeng, W.-N., Tseng, Y.-H., Han, Y.-S., Hsu, C.-C., Chang, C.-W., Di Lorenzo, E., Hsieh, C.-H.
Year: 2012
Title: Evaluation of Multi-Scale Climate Effects on Annual Recruitment Levels of the Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica, to Taiwan download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7/2
Pages: e30805
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030805
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 24.02.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Scale-Dependent Effects of a Heterogeneous Landscape on Genetic Differentiation in the Central American Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri oerstedii)
Blair ME, Melnick DJ |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.00430... |
No |
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Author(s): Blair ME, Melnick DJ
Year: 2012
Title: Scale-Dependent Effects of a Heterogeneous Landscape on Genetic Differentiation in the Central American Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri oerstedii)
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7(8)
Pages: e43027
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0043027?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+plosone%2FEcology+%28PLoS+ONE+Alerts%3A+Ecology%29
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 01.09.2012
Uploaded by: Pavel Stoev
The whereabouts of flower visitors: contrasting land-use preferences revealed by a country-wide survey based on citizen science
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Deguines N, Julliard R, De Flores M, Fontaine C. |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0045822 |
Yes |
513.33KB |
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Author(s): Deguines N, Julliard R, De Flores M, Fontaine C.
Year: 2012
Title: The whereabouts of flower visitors: contrasting land-use preferences revealed by a country-wide survey based on citizen science download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7
Pages: e45822
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0045822
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Simple process-based simulators for generating spatial patterns of habitat loss and fragmentation: A review and introduction to the G-RaFFe model
download |
Pe\'er, G., G. A. Zurita, L. Schober, M. I. Bellocq, M. Strer, M. Müller, and S. Pütz |
2013 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0064968 |
Yes |
1.52MB |
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Author(s): Pe\'er, G., G. A. Zurita, L. Schober, M. I. Bellocq, M. Strer, M. Müller, and S. Pütz
Year: 2013
Title: Simple process-based simulators for generating spatial patterns of habitat loss and fragmentation: A review and introduction to the G-RaFFe model download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 8(5)
Pages: e64968
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0064968
Status: In Press
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Evaluating the connectivity of a protected areas' network under the prism of global change: the efficiency of the European Natura 2000 network for four birds of prey
download |
Mazaris A.D., Papanikolaou A.D., Barbet-Massin M., Kallimanis A.S., Jiguet F., Schmeller D.S. , Pantis J.D. |
2013 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0059640 |
Yes |
461.84KB |
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Author(s): Mazaris A.D., Papanikolaou A.D., Barbet-Massin M., Kallimanis A.S., Jiguet F., Schmeller D.S. , Pantis J.D.
Year: 2013
Title: Evaluating the connectivity of a protected areas' network under the prism of global change: the efficiency of the European Natura 2000 network for four birds of prey download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 8(3)
Pages: e59640
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0059640
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants
download |
Leingärtner, A., Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I. |
2014 |
PLoS One |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0093881 |
Yes |
790.52KB |
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Author(s): Leingärtner, A., Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I.
Year: 2014
Title: Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants download
Journal: PLoS One
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: e93881
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0093881
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
A GIS-based policy support tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for biodiversity conservation
download |
Yu-Pin Lin, Dirk S. Schmeller, Tzung-Su Ding, Yung Chieh Wang, Wan-Yu Lien, Klaus Henle, Reinhard A. Klenke |
2020 |
https://doi.org /10.1371/journa l.pone.0243135 |
Yes |
7.6MB |
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Author(s): Yu-Pin Lin, Dirk S. Schmeller, Tzung-Su Ding, Yung Chieh Wang, Wan-Yu Lien, Klaus Henle, Reinhard A. Klenke
Year: 2020
Title: A GIS-based policy support tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for biodiversity conservation download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 15(12)
Pages: e0243135
Web link/DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243135
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: https://plos.org/
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 06.12.2020
Uploaded by: Reinhard Klenke
Relating Habitat and Climatic Niches in Birds
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Barnagaud, J-Y., Devictor, V., Jiguet, F., Barbet-Massin, M., Le Vio, I.,
Archaux, F. |
2012 |
PlosOne |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.003281 9 |
Yes |
851.57KB |
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Author(s): Barnagaud, J-Y., Devictor, V., Jiguet, F., Barbet-Massin, M., Le Vio, I.,
Archaux, F.
Year: 2012
Title: Relating Habitat and Climatic Niches in Birds download
Journal: PlosOne
Volume/Issue: 7/3
Pages: e32819
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032819
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: public library of science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 20.03.2012
Uploaded by: Isabelle Leviol
Selection on dispersal in isolated butterfly metapopulations
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Bonelli S., Vrabec V., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Nowicki P. |
2013 |
Population Ecology |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0144-013-0377-2 |
Yes |
515.27KB |
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Author(s): Bonelli S., Vrabec V., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Nowicki P.
Year: 2013
Title: Selection on dispersal in isolated butterfly metapopulations download
Journal: Population Ecology
Volume/Issue: 55 (3)
Pages: 469-478
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10144-013-0377-2
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Japan
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 07.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Four barriers to the global understanding of biodiversity conservation: wealth, language, geographical location and security
Amano T., Sutherland W. J. |
2013 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B |
http://rspb.roy alsocietypublis hing.org/conten t/280/1756/2012 2649.short?r... |
No |
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Author(s): Amano T., Sutherland W. J.
Year: 2013
Title: Four barriers to the global understanding of biodiversity conservation: wealth, language, geographical location and security
Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Volume/Issue: 280 (1756)
Web link/DOI: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/280/1756/20122649.short?rss=1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: Royal Society Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 14.02.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The impact of over 80 years of land cover changes on bee and wasp pollinator communities in England
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Senapathi, D., Carvalheiro, L.G. Biesmeijer, J.C., Dodson, C-A., Evans, R.L., McKerchar, M., Morton, R.D., Moss, E.D., Roberts, S.P.M., Kunin, W.E. & Potts, S.G. |
2015 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B |
Yes |
860.96KB |
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Author(s): Senapathi, D., Carvalheiro, L.G. Biesmeijer, J.C., Dodson, C-A., Evans, R.L., McKerchar, M., Morton, R.D., Moss, E.D., Roberts, S.P.M., Kunin, W.E. & Potts, S.G.
Year: 2015
Title: The impact of over 80 years of land cover changes on bee and wasp pollinator communities in England download
Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Pages: 10.1098/rspb.2015.02 94
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: The Royal Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 06.08.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Navigating protected areas as social-ecological systems: integration pathways of French nature reserves
Therville, C., Mathevet, R., Bioret, F. et al. |
2017 |
Regional Environmental Change |
https://doi.org /10.1007/s10113 -017-1231-4 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Therville, C., Mathevet, R., Bioret, F. et al.
Year: 2017
Title: Navigating protected areas as social-ecological systems: integration pathways of French nature reserves
Journal: Regional Environmental Change
Pages: 1–12
Web link/DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-017-1231-4
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.01.2018
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
scale effectiveness of governance in biodiversity conservation. National regulatory model of biodiversity policy in Poland
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Szentgyörgyi H. |
2014 |
Report |
http://scales-p roject.net/img/ uplf/12964-02-P oland%20-%20Boo k.pdf |
Yes |
1.75MB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Szentgyörgyi H.
Year: 2014
Title: scale effectiveness of governance in biodiversity conservation. National regulatory model of biodiversity policy in Poland download
Journal: Report
Pages: 41
Web link/DOI: http://scales-project.net/img/uplf/12964-02-Poland%20-%20Book.pdf
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Book chapter
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 11.06.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Insect Conservation
Settele, J., Kühn, E. |
2009 |
Science |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1126/scie nce.1176892 |
No |
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Author(s): Settele, J., Kühn, E.
Year: 2009
Title: Insect Conservation
Journal: Science
Volume/Issue: 325
Pages: 41 - 42
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1176892
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: No
Provider: AAAS
Folder: Journal paper
Date of upload: 05.08.2011
Uploaded by: Henning Steinicke
EU agricultural reform fails on biodiversity
Pe'er, G., L. V. Dicks, P. Visconti, R. Arlettaz, A. Báldi, T. G. Benton, S. Collins et al. |
2014 |
Science |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1126/scie nce.1253425 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Pe'er, G., L. V. Dicks, P. Visconti, R. Arlettaz, A. Báldi, T. G. Benton, S. Collins et al.
Year: 2014
Title: EU agricultural reform fails on biodiversity
Journal: Science
Volume/Issue: 344/6188
Pages: 1090-1092
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1253425
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: AAAS
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 13.06.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Large-scale patterns of epiphytic lichen species richness: Photobiont-dependent response to climate and forest structure
Marini, L., Nascimbene, J., Nimis, P.L. |
2011 |
Science of the Total Environment |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0048969711 007273 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Marini, L., Nascimbene, J., Nimis, P.L.
Year: 2011
Title: Large-scale patterns of epiphytic lichen species richness: Photobiont-dependent response to climate and forest structure
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volume/Issue: 409(20)
Pages: 4381–4386
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969711007273
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 25.08.2011
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Ekosysteemipalvelut, vapaaehtoisuus ja soidensuojelu [Ecosystem services, voluntariness and mire conservation]
Salomaa A., Paloniemi R. |
2014 |
Suo |
Yes |
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Author(s): Salomaa A., Paloniemi R.
Year: 2014
Title: Ekosysteemipalvelut, vapaaehtoisuus ja soidensuojelu [Ecosystem services, voluntariness and mire conservation]
Journal: Suo
Volume/Issue: 65(1)
Pages: 1–15
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. Socio-economic problems during Natura 2000 site selection process
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Boćkowski M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A. |
Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr. OL PAN w Lublinie |
http://www.pan- ol.lublin.pl/wy dawnictwa/TOchr 9/Grodzinska.pd f |
Yes |
140.88KB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Boćkowski M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A.
Title: Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. Socio-economic problems during Natura 2000 site selection process download
Journal: Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr. OL PAN w Lublinie
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: 64-69
Web link/DOI: http://www.pan-ol.lublin.pl/wydawnictwa/TOchr9/Grodzinska.pdf
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mittakaava ja luonnonsuojelu [Scale and nature conservation]
Koivulehto M. & Paloniemi R. |
2012 |
Terra |
Yes |
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Author(s): Koivulehto M. & Paloniemi R.
Year: 2012
Title: Mittakaava ja luonnonsuojelu [Scale and nature conservation]
Journal: Terra
Volume/Issue: 124
Pages: 17–27
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 02.11.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Between Geometry and Biology: The Problem of Universality of the Species-Area Relationship
Arnosˇt L. Sˇizling, William E. Kunin, Eva Sˇizlingova´, Jirˇı´ Reif, and David Storch |
2011 |
The American Naturalist |
http://www.jsto r.org/discover/ 10.1086/662176? sid=21106290064 533&uid=4&ui... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Arnosˇt L. Sˇizling, William E. Kunin, Eva Sˇizlingova´, Jirˇı´ Reif, and David Storch
Year: 2011
Title: Between Geometry and Biology: The Problem of Universality of the Species-Area Relationship
Journal: The American Naturalist
Volume/Issue: 178 (5)
Pages: 602-611
Web link/DOI: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.1086/662176?sid=21106290064533&uid=4&uid=2&uid=3737608
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: The University of Chicago Press
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Intergovernmental fiscal transfers to support local conservation action in Europe
download |
Schröter-Schlaack, C., Ring, I., Koellner, T., Santos, R., Antunes, P., Clemente, P., Mathevet, R., Borie, M., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. |
2014 |
The German Journal of Economic Geography. Special Issue on “The economics of protected areas – a European perspective” |
Yes |
2.63MB |
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Author(s): Schröter-Schlaack, C., Ring, I., Koellner, T., Santos, R., Antunes, P., Clemente, P., Mathevet, R., Borie, M., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M.
Year: 2014
Title: Intergovernmental fiscal transfers to support local conservation action in Europe download
Journal: The German Journal of Economic Geography. Special Issue on “The economics of protected areas – a European perspective”
Pages: 98-114
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Testing the validity of Northern European species in the Chrysis ignita species group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) with DNA Barcoding
download |
Soon V., Budrys E., Orlovskite S., Paukkunen J., Ødegaard F., Ljubomirov T., Saarma U. |
2014 |
Zootaxa |
http://biotaxa. org/Zootaxa/art icle/view/zoota xa.3786.3.4 |
Yes |
2.46MB |
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Author(s): Soon V., Budrys E., Orlovskite S., Paukkunen J., Ødegaard F., Ljubomirov T., Saarma U.
Year: 2014
Title: Testing the validity of Northern European species in the Chrysis ignita species group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) with DNA Barcoding download
Journal: Zootaxa
Volume/Issue: 3786 (3)
Web link/DOI: http://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.3786.3.4
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Magnolia Press
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 12.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova