SCALES will provide the scientific and policy research needed to guide scale-dependent management actions by advancing and integrating our understanding of natural and anthropogenic processes and their effects upon biodiversity at different scales. It will provide knowledge essential to improve the scale-sensitivity and scale effectiveness of policy instruments for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity across different administrative levels. SCALES will assemble, integrate, and improve the most promising approaches and results into a comprehensive framework that consists of a set of methodological tools, databases, policy recommendations, and background information.
We will make the framework and its tools widely available in a user-friendly form, the SCALETOOL via an Internet portal. SCALETOOL will facilitate extraction of relevant guidelines, illustrate methods and models, and allow the use of compiled dataset according to user needs. The framework will improve our capacity to determine area requirements for viable populations and critical distances to ensure connectivity for species that operate at different scales, to identify habitat patches that may be critical to regional connectivity, and to assess and ensure the coherence and ecological sufficiency of networks of protected areas that account for different conservation responsibilities from the EU to the regional level.
SCALES will establish a continuous science-policy interface at the national and EU level to further facilitae a rapid transfer of the knowledge created to biodiversity conservation policy and will be disseminated in a variety of ways, depending on need and stakeholders, from popular leaflets, videos for farmers, and reports for policy makers to scientific publication for the research community.
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