WP6: Synthesis: Integration and development of SCALETOOL
(Vesna Grobelnik, Co-ordinator)
The overall aim of WP6 is to compile, integrate, and synthesize results of WPs 1-5. This will comprise the following specific objectives:
To translate the scientific results of WPs 1-5 into recommendations for policy and applied biodiversity conservation;
To assemble and integrate the recommendations, methods, and databases of WPs 1-5 into a framework to provide support for decision making, management, and applied research on scale-related conservation issues;
To implement the framework through SCALETOOL – an interactive, web-based Internet portal.
Description of work
WP6 will translate results of the previous WPs into policy recommendations and integrates them with the databases, promising methods and policy instruments, as well as background information into a comprehensive framework, the web based support tool kit (SCALETOOL), which will facilitate access to the results of SCALES and will assist governmental and non-governmental organisations as well as conservation biologists in ensuring sustainable conservation across scales Although the specifics of the integration will depend on the results of these workpackages, the integration will follow three main lines: a) integrating results relevant for assessing and ensuring coherence and ecological sufficiency of networks of protected areas and for ensuring regional connectivity; b) integrating results relevant for assessing status and trend and underlying causes from (changes in) biodiversity patterns at different scales; c) facilitating access to and use of databases, methods, models, and background information produced by SCALES.
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